Hawar News Agency plan 1-12-2023

Hawar News Agency plan 1-12-2023
1 December 2023   02:00

 Politicians in the city of Manbij believe that the Turkish occupation aims to displace the population to complete its project of changing the demographics of the region, paving the way for its division, and expanding the geography of its occupation (attached with photos and video).

During a month of the “Revenge for the Martyrs of the Anti-Narcotics Forces” campaign, the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria arrested 62 people, including smugglers, dealers, and users of drug substances, and seized quantities of pills, narcotic substances, and weapons in their possession, in 5 operations (photos and video attached).

The Democratic Civil Administration in Deir ez-Zor is working to equip the intensive care department at Al-Kasra General Hospital, equip the children’s department, open an eye clinic, and supply hospitals with additional ambulances to provide more health care in implementation of the outcomes of the conference on enforcement security and stability in Deir ez-Zor. Pictures and video attached).

Observers believe that the war between Israel and Hamas affects the Middle East region in particular and the world in general, and the influence of dominant countries such as the United States, Russia, China and regional countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey (attached with pictures).

The situation in Sudan is heading towards more complex paths of armed conflict that the country has been witnessing for nearly 8 months amid fears of a new secession scenario awaiting Sudan, similar to what happened in the south in 2010. So where is Sudan heading and what? Expected scenarios of conflict in the country? (Attached with pictures).

The Syrian Photographers Association is organizing its second conference at the Muhammad Sheikho Center for Culture and Art in the city of Qamishlo, at 10:30 (video and photos attached)

The people of the city of Derik receive the youth march launched two days ago as part of the global campaign for Leader Abdullah Ocalan from the city of Qamishlo, at 16:30. (Video and photos attached)