Deir ez-Zor bids farewell to child killed by Turkish racists

The body of the child Hamoud Al-Hamdan, was buried in Deir ez-Zor Canton, NE Syria after his body arrived in the Canton yesterday.

Deir ez-Zor bids farewell to child killed by Turkish racists
6 July 2024   14:57

Yesterday, the body of the child Hamoud Hamdan Al-Nayef, who was killed by three Turkish racists in the Sirik area in the city of Antalya last Tuesday, arrived at his family’s home in the village of Al-Dahla in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor to be buried in the village shrine in the presence of his family and hundreds of people.

This incident sparked popular discontent against the Turkish occupation and its hostile policies towards the Syrians.

The Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries also killed seven people during the anti-Turkish occupation state protests in northwestern Syria on Monday, as six were killed in Afrin and another in Jarabulus in fire exchange with Turkish guards.
