Despite Tal Tamr's emergency efforts, mercenary fire reaches city's villages

Despite the efforts of the emergency committees in the city of Tal Tamr, the fires set by the Turkish occupation mercenaries spread to agricultural lands in the villages of Tal Tamr, while the emergency committees and residents continue their efforts to extinguish the fire.

Despite Tal Tamr's emergency efforts, mercenary fire reaches city's villages
29 May 2024   21:35

The Turkish occupation mercenaries set fires in the vicinity of the occupied village of Aniq al-Hawa, located on the road linking the cities of Tal Tamr and Zerghan in Jazira Canton. Meanwhile, emergency committees worked to prevent fires from reaching agricultural lands in Tal Tamr.

ANHA's correspondent from the city of Tal Tamr stated that the fire spread to the villages of al-Abush and Bab al-Faraj on the road connecting the cities of Tal Tamr and Zerghan, despite all the efforts of the emergency committees, after the occupation mercenaries started more fires.

The people of the cities of Tal Tamr and Zerghan mobilized to support the emergency committees to repel the fire and prevent its spread.

T/ Satt.