Besê Hozat: Leader Ocalan's Physical Freedom must be guaranteed

The Co-chair of the Executive Council of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Besê Hozat stressed, “We must spread the thought and model of the leader to achieve his physical freedom.”

Besê Hozat: Leader Ocalan's Physical Freedom must be guaranteed
23 May 2024   14:31

Besê Hozat participated in a program on Medya Haber TV, and made assessments regarding the truth of international institutions towards Imrali, the “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the solution to the Kurdish issue” campaign, Martyrs of  May, the decisions of the Kobani conspiracy case, and Turkey’s policy.

The following was stated in the interview:

“We are always making assessments, and the Freedom of the Leader campaign has reached an important stage, but nevertheless, it is very important to understand and evaluate the situation of the European Committee against Torture (CPT) and the Council of Europe, especially the forces that carried out the international conspiracy and established the system of isolation and torture in Imrali, and it cannot be implemented.” Imrali's genocidal policies were independent of these forces. An international conspiracy was hatched against the leader their goal was to eliminate the leader, and they failed to achieve this.

Recently, the European Committee against Torture made a statement, and they announced that they last went to Imrali in September 2022, but they did not submit this report to the public because Turkey did not agree to it, and they also announced that a delegation from the Committee had gone to Turkey in 2023, and went to various prisons in Turkey, and carried out inspections, but it did not go to Imrali. Why did the European Committee against Torture (CPT) not go to Imrali in 2023? You did not go to the prison where Leader Abdullah Ocalan is being held and do not conduct inspections. Why? The European Committee against Torture (CPT) should disclose this.

Not long ago, they raided the Medya Haber  and Sterk TV channel and the Kurdish press in Europe. Belgium carried out the attack at the request of France. These attacks cannot be evaluated in isolation from this concept. These attacks also cause great harm to the peoples of Europe. In this regard, we should further disseminate the Leader's model and ideas in European society, attract European society to the struggle, and make the Leader's Freedom Campaign more global.

The Turkish state is implementing a policy of genocide against the Kurds, and in particular, no information has been obtained from Imrali in any way since four years ago, and we saw the disrespectful statements made by the Minister of Justice, he is mocking the Kurdish people and the society of Turkey and the world, comrades have also evaluated this in the past days, and of course, if he had not had support, and if he had not relied on the current policies and positions of the international powers, he would not have spoken and spoken in such a disrespectful and vile manner, he claims, saying: “There is no isolation in Imrali.” Rather, there is a system of torture and genocide in Imrali, and there is absolute isolation, and the law has been violated and ignored there....
