Afrin IDPs: Damascus govt. siege will not stop our resistance

A number of displaced people from Afrin in al-Shahba affirmed their adherence to the option of resistance and to continue the struggle until returning to Afrin, and not to submit to the siege policies imposed by the Damascus government.

Afrin IDPs: Damascus govt. siege will not stop our resistance
Afrin IDPs: Damascus govt. siege will not stop our resistance
20 February 2024   06:01

For 6 years, Damascus government forces have continued to impose a siege on Afrin, al-Shahba cantons, Sheikh Maqsoud, and al-Ashrafieh neighborhoods in Aleppo. It prevents the entry of basic materials to sustain the lives of people and those displaced from occupied Afrin.

The displaced believe that the forces of the Damascus government seek, through the siege, to undermine their will to persevere and struggle to liberate Afrin and return to it, and aim to make them submit to its policy.

The displaced person, Luqman Hassan, said, after criticizing the Damascus government’s policy towards the displaced and the people of the region: “Despite the siege of the Damascus government and the silence of the international community, we will not abandon Afrin. In the spirit of resistance and struggle, we will continue to work until we return to Afrin, and we will not yield to any party.”

He also denounced the international silence regarding the siege of the Damascus government and the attacks of the Turkish occupation, and said that the conflicting countries in the Syrian arena are managing matters according to their interests.

Citizen Roshnik Sino said in this regard: “We have been suffering from the siege for 7 years. We, as the people of Afrin, denounce the silence of international powers regarding these practices.”

Roshnik stressed that the siege will not affect "our belief in our cause, and we will continue the struggle until our occupied land is liberated."

Citizen Hajji Murad stressed: “The spirit of resistance and struggle until we return to Afrin,” and that is through our belief in our rights and regaining them no matter how long it takes, and in the spirit of our martyrs who made the most beautiful epics of heroism.”

T/ Satt.