25 years passed since international conspiracy against Kurdish people - Hevidar Khaled

25 years passed since international conspiracy against Kurdish people - Hevidar Khaled
12 February 2024   03:00

The enemies of the Kurdish people and those who are hostile to freedom and democracy conspired and kidnapped Leader Abdullah Ocalan, in a malicious conspiracy led by America and Israel, in which Russia played a dirty role in exchange for financial agreements and deals, and about forty countries in the world also played a role in it, including Italy, Kenya, and Greece. In a scene that disgraceful to humanity.

on February 15, 1999, Leader Abdullah Ocalan was arrested and handed over to Turkey in a dirty trick that revealed the extent of these countries’ complicity and the ugliness of the role they played in this conspiracy. However, what the leader was exposed to removed the mask from their true nature, and proved to everyone the falsity of their humanity, and that they do not possess even a single shred of the human values that they talk about, and they only know their interests and act on the basis of the logic of benefit and interest... and this is the best evidence of the ugliness and hypocrisy of Western civilization, which boasts of false moral values and principles of individual freedom, and since that time this history has become a black day for All the peoples of the world have a bitter memory for the Kurdish people.

The goal of the international conspiracy was to target the struggle of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement and the Kurdish people who demand their legitimate rights, in addition to eliminating the last symbols of revolution and freedom in the world represented by the person of Leader Abdullah Ocalan. As well as eliminating the women's revolution led by Kurdish women in light of the struggle of the leader at the time.

The process of kidnapping Leader Abdullah Ocalan is considered a violation of European rights, the Charter of the United Nations, and the Geneva Convention with all its provisions, because it was one of the operations of great complexity and interconnection among the intelligence services of several countries. However, Ocalan, with his philosophy, will, and solid ideology, thwarted this conspiracy, and escalated his resistance against... The policies of the international system that colluded with Turkey in the process of arresting him, and he presented in-depth theses about the stages in which the conspiracy that was hatched against him was planned, and he addressed the role of all countries and regional and international parties involved in it, and stressed that the conspirators did not achieve their goals after they thought that they would eliminate the struggle and march of the Liberation Kurdistan Movement arrested him.

Regarding the conspiracy that was hatched against him, Ocalan says: “One of the greatest betrayals of the era is that these countries still present themselves as friendly and supportive of freedom on the one hand, and are trying to forget and remove those who hold an oppressed and heroic position without mercy on the other hand. The field would have been opened to all traitors and agents.” Those lurking in ambush, who appeared many times. In fact, everything had been prepared and adjusted according to my death, and the goal was most likely to remove me physically, and if that did not happen, then the goal was to remove me morally, and I do not think there was another goal other than that, despite the fact that I thought about the issue for a long time. “The conspiracy was so deep and full of questions that its failure would require a very advanced humanitarian effort no less valuable than performing a miracle.”

Leader Abdullah Ocalan has been detained for 25 years in Imrali prison, and the Justice and Development Party authorities are imposing on him policies of dispossession and a state of absolute isolation, which is considered a blatant violation and a crime against humanity. This isolation was not imposed on Ocalan only, but was imposed on all oppressed and oppressed peoples, as he was forbidden one of his most basic rights as a political prisoner is to communicate with the outside world. He has not communicated with his family for more than three years, even during the earthquake disaster that Turkey was exposed to in early February last year. He was prevented from communicating with his family even though this is considered one of his natural rights, and this measure It is immoral against the leader Abdullah Ocalan and has a political, philosophical and historical ideological background. However, the leader, despite everything he was exposed to, is still fighting for the oppressed peoples, especially the Kurdish people.

The Turkish regime is using arguments and pretexts that everyone knows are purely pretentious and false in order to prevent Ocalan from communicating with the outside world. All of these reasons and pretexts are neither legal nor constitutional, and have no basis in truth.

The current Turkish authorities, especially Erdogan's Ministry of Justice, practice the harshest violations and arbitrary measures against Ocalan, and all of this is carried out and implemented under direct directions and orders from Erdogan, who has always tried to besiege the leader's ideas, theses, and free struggle, and to pursue policies of genocide, fascism, and racism against him and against the Kurdish people in general. He is the one who has long been an obstacle to resolving the Kurdish issue in Turkey and even other countries, and obstructs all solution efforts, democratic paths, and initiatives proposed by the Kurds and Leader Ocalan, with allegations that the Kurds pose a threat to his national security, to undermine any effort at dialogue that leads to a solution to the Kurdish issue.

Leader Abdullah Ocalan's project is a democratic project that can find solutions to all the crises and tensions that the peoples of the region and the world are experiencing at the present time. Therefore, achieving his physical freedom is an absolute and basic condition for all peoples in the region. Releasing Ocalan will create a suitable ground for achieving the freedom needs of all people, especially women.

Ocalan was the one who charted the path to freedom and escape from injustice and persecution, and granted the right to all women in all political, social and military fields, so that they could be transferred from the margins to a life that preserves their freedom and dignity within the project of the democratic nation. As everyone always says, neither women nor youth will be liberated unless the leader is liberated. He not only fought for the Kurdish people and their cause, but for all of humanity and their cause, and called for the brotherhood and unity of oppressed peoples in the face of the great global capitalist powers on the one hand, and because he champions the issue of women’s freedom and considers it a fundamental and strategic issue. On the other hand, we see today that all women are rallying. Who changed his approach and ideology.

Leader Abdullah Ocalan has been struggling since the beginning of his revolutionary career to create a free life, and he is waging an existential struggle until now, in order to build a new system of life represented by a democratic confederation, in which the forces of capitalist modernity found a threat to their plans for hegemony and tyranny in the Middle East region, which has become... Our current time is a hot arena for conflict between regional and international countries and the oppressed peoples who are paying heavy prices for these wars.

Twenty-five years after the international conspiracy against Leader Ocalan and the imposition of all forms of isolation on him, everyone must escalate the struggle to achieve the leader’s physical freedom, especially with the launch of the global campaign demanding his freedom under the slogan “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue” within... The framework of this campaign is not to remain silent about what is happening to the leader, and to raise voices loudly until they fill the horizon of the sky and he is liberated from the hands of the advocates of darkness and the enemies of humanity.

Everyone must intensify political pressure at the international level, because the incident of Ocalan’s arrest is not a regional issue, but rather an international issue. Every free person must demand and appeal to the freedom of the leader. Whether by forming regional organizations to put sufficient pressure on the Turkish authorities, or putting pressure on the United Nations Human Rights Council and the European Committee against Torture, there are reports submitted to them by several human rights bodies regarding Ocalan’s placement in prison on Imrali Island to take appropriate political measures.

The Kurdish people and all of humanity must escalate their intellectual struggle under the slogan “There is no life without Leader Abdullah Ocalan” in order to overthrow the regimes that contributed to this dirty conspiracy that has no parallel in the history of humanity. The Turkish state should stop continuing its violations against the Kurdish people, especially women, who have taken the slogan borrowed from the thought and philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan, “Women, Life, Freedom,” as their basis, until they achieve the freedom of the leader; Because his freedom means the freedom of all humanity, especially since everyone has realized that without achieving the leader’s physical freedom, there will be no free life, no stability, no justice, and no peace in the region.

T/ Satt.