Politician: Common denominator between Turkish assaults and Homs's brutal attack

Syrian politician Salman Shabib confirmed that the Turkish occupation attacks are a challenge to Syria’s sovereignty and international laws, and pointed out that this aggression was planned nearly a year ago, and has nothing to do with Ankara's pretexts, but rather with the Turkish expansionist goals.

Politician: Common denominator between Turkish assaults and Homs's brutal attack
8 Decemberember 2023   05:46

Over the past few days, the Turkish occupation state has intensified its attacks with warplanes and drones on the regions of NE Syria, targeting vital sites and populated villages.

In conjunction with these attacks, the Military College in Homs, during a graduation ceremony for officers affiliated with the Damascus government was attacked by drones, leaving more than 80 dead, in addition to wounding nearly 300 people.

Although the source of the drones is unknown. However, many Syrians accused the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation.

Clear challenge to Syria's sovereignty, international laws

In response to this, the head of the Syria First Party, Salman Shabib, said: “When the Turkish government announced its unreliable narrative, which was not based on any evidence or proof, about the operation that targeted the Ministry of the Interior in Ankara, and the aggressive threats that followed, uttered by the highest levels of the Turkish leadership from Erdogan and others, the most aggressive of which was the statement of Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, in which he brazenly announced Turkey’s intention to attack infrastructure in NE Syria in clear defiance of Syria’s sovereignty and all international norms and laws.

He explained, "It has been clear since that that Turkey took the Ankara operation as a pretext to launch its aggression that it planned almost a year ago.

Today, Turkey began its barbaric aggression that targeted all aspects of life, including water facilities. Gas, oil, electricity, hospitals, dams, and civilian homes, and there is a major threat and suggestion that this wave of blind bombing will be a prelude to a large Turkish military operation in which terrorist organizations operating under Turkish leadership and direction will be used, aiming to occupy more Syrian towns and displacing their people.”


Shabib stressed, “This aggression certainly does not target a specific faction or a single Syrian component. It targets the unity, sovereignty, security, and future of Syria, the brutal attack on the Military College in Homs, which led to a major massacre against innocent civilians. The source of terrorism and aggression is the same.

He added, "Turkey was prepared for the aggression and was waiting for the appropriate opportunity  to achieve its declared ambitions on Syrian and Iraqi soil within the framework of Erdogan's project to revive the vanished Ottoman Empire at the expense of the sovereignty, security and stability of the countries and peoples of the region."

Regarding the goals of the Turkish occupation, Shabib explained, "Establishing more settlements under the pretext of returning displaced Syrians and creating a rift between the components of the Syrian people, and pressuring the Syrian state to carry out free normalization all these are means perpetuating the current occupation."

Responsibility of international community

Regarding the responsibility that falls on international powers, Shabib pointed out that “the barbaric Turkish aggression, which destroys all possibilities of life imposes a great challenge on the international community, countries, concerned international organizations, especially the Security Council."

He called on Russia and America to work seriously and urgently to stop these attacks and prevent Erdogan from continuing his filthy project of annexation more Syrian territories under false pretexts.

Shabib concluded his speech by saying: “Certainly, we, as Syrians, in our various positions, with the Syrian government, the Autonomous Administration, and all the national political and societal forces at the forefront have the greatest responsibility to be aware of the magnitude of the risks and challenges facing us and our country."
