​​​​​​​Hawar news agency plan 10-1-2023

​​​​​​​Hawar news agency plan 10-1-2023
30 September 2023   20:00

“He was searching for the truth throughout his struggle.” With these words, one of the companions of the martyr journalist, Sayyed Afran, spoke about his struggle in the field of media and free journalism (attached with photos and video).

Clans' notables in the Tabqa region warned of the policy followed in the current stage against the Autonomous Administration areas in NE, Syria, and stressed that the strong solidarity between the components of the region has thwarted all attempts by enemies who want to undermine the security and stability of the region (attached with photos and video).

A retired Armenian general considered that Moscow's approach since 2020 had radically sided in favor of the Azeris and the Turks, based on economic interests with Azerbaijan to gain Turkey's neutrality in the Ukrainian conflict and coordination between them in the Syrian conflict (attached with photos).

The Turkish occupation sought to find common ground with Damascus to launch a path of understanding, by exploiting the recent developments in Deir ez-Zor, while the Damascus government moved to impose pressure on the people of Suwayda at a time when the occupied Syrian regions were witnessing a fight over influence between mercenaries, while Riyadh intensified its movements. Within the framework of the process of normalization with Israel, last week also witnessed a new blow to the concept of the rights of peoples to self-determination through Azerbaijan’s resolution of the situation in Karabakh (attached with photos).

The Zenobia Women's Gathering makes a final statement for the campaign it launched under the title (Together we protect our society and achieve safety), to limit the spread of drugs and combat them, in the gathering council in the city of Tabqa at 09:30. In the same context, the gathering makes a statement in the western countryside of De Ez-Zor as well (attached with photos and video).

The Youth Committee of the Armenian Social Council, in coordination with the Syrian Democratic Youth Council, is organizing a lecture under the title “Artsakh...The Call for Freedom from the Middle of the Siege” at the Muhammad Sheikho Center for Culture and Art in the city of Qamishlo, at 10:00 (photos and video attached).

The Zenobia Women’s Gathering in the city of Manbij and its countryside issues a statement at the conclusion of the campaign, “No to the marriage of underage girls, no to the killing of women,” in front of the gathering center, at 10:00 (attached with photos and video).

The Jinoloji Center in Al-Shahba District commemorates the martyr Nakihan Arksal, at the center located in the Fafin district, at 11:00 (photos and video attached).

The Al-Shahba and Afrin Expatriates Organization Office in the city of Manbij delivers a statement about the crimes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in the occupied areas, in front of the office at 11:00 (attached with photos and video).