Arab-Kurdish relations...Lost key to victory by tyrannical regimes - Zana Sidi

Arab-Kurdish relations...Lost key to victory by tyrannical regimes - Zana Sidi
10 September 2023   05:47

The obfuscation of the events of history to the people and their deliberate ignoring by the tyrannical regimes in the Middle East, and the burying of the strength of the historical relations between the Kurds and the people of the region created a view filled with doubt among the people about relations with the Kurds.

The Kurds are one of the most ancient peoples on earth. The ancestors of the Kurds played a pivotal and major role in building human civilization and transforming Mesopotamia into the cradle of civilizations throughout history, and that is what most of the results of historical research and studies have agreed upon.

The Kurdish people have social and moral characteristics and insist on spiritual values and zeal for their homeland despite the brutal attacks they have been exposed to throughout history.

Over the decades, the Kurds built the finest forms of mutual relations with neighboring civilizations and peoples that spread outside Kurdistan, and these peoples were inspired by Mesopotamia, models of language, village building, agriculture, and animal husbandry.

Wars and occupations from ancient times to the present day have always been a policy planned by authoritarians under weak and baseless slogans.

As peoples have always maintained mutual relations and sometimes reached the level of unity and solidarity in the face of tyranny and oppression, the story of Kawa the blacksmith, which dates back to 612 years BC and the declaration of Newroz at that time, when the ancestors of the Kurds, Persians, Armenians and part of Assyria faced of the oppressive Assyrian king Dahhak.

Historical Relations between Kurds, Arabs

What the tyrannical regimes in the Middle East have created over the past decades is to stir up strife between the Kurds and Arabs, as happened in Deir ez-Zor, taking advantage of the divisions between the two peoples to conduct malicious policies, and avoiding any Arab-Kurdish alliance that would undermine the hopes of the Western colonialists and their regional allies who are trying to benefit from the region’s resources.

Kurds respected the Arab, and embraced the Islamic religion, and sanctified the Arabic language, which is the language of the Qur’an, despite the Kurds’ preservation of their culture and language, they did not feel any contradiction in adhering to their religion and adhering to their culture, language.

The Kurds even played a major role in consolidating the concept of the Islamic religion, social ethics, and scientific leadership in the Middle Eas in cooperation with other peoples without mentioning nationalities.

We also cannot ignore the role of the Kurds in stopping the Crusaders’ advance towards the Middle East and preserving the culture of the peoples in the region, and the great role of Saladin al-Ayyubi at that stage.

The policy of dividing peoples and turning them into small states and regions; Fighting among themselves is an internationally followed policy, and the Kurds and Arabs both fell victim to this. However, due to the countries had Arabic names, the Arabs thought that they were better off than the Kurds because of these policies.

Kurds, Arabs in Syria

In Syria, between the years 1932 and 1963, during the period of its subjection to French colonialism, and not even after the declaration of independence, the country did not know the issue of nationalist fanaticism, in light of the ethnic and religious diversity of the Syrian geography.

The country was known as the “Syrian Republic” during those decades, and republican parliamentary rule prevailed at the time, as the Armenians and Kurds, alongside the Arabs, formed the Syrian social fabric. Syria witnessed the participation of all components in building the Syrian government at that time, and their role in the popular resistance against the French colonialists in various parts of the country.

After the Baath Party took over the reins of government in Syria from 1963 until the present time, with a number of presidents who ruled the country, such as “Amin Hafez, Nour al-Din al-Atassi, and Hafez al-Assad,” the party transformed the cradle of human civilization and diversity across the ages into a fanatical Arab national state under the name “ The Syrian Arab Republic,” while marginalizing the other components.

The Baath Party's practices caused the division of society, putting it into a state of hatred and revenge, and sowing discord between Kurds and Arabs. The events of the 2004 Qamishlo Uprising and the 1965 Arab Belt Project bear witness to this, as these events left a negative impact on the two nationalities towards each other, especially since the Baath Party was committing crimes against Kurds under a nationalist slogan.

Brotherhood of peoples.. is necessary to establish security and peace

The alliance of Arabs and Kurds in fighting one of the most important wars of the current century against global terrorism represented by ISIS in Syria is considered a victory in the path of peoples' freedom.

The solidarity between the Syriacs, Arabs, Kurds, and other components in liberating the regions of NE Syria laid the foundation for the democratic project (the brotherhood of peoples).

It is necessary for the people of the entire region to unite and search for the elements and foundations of stability, security and peace, in the midst of the conflicts and wars that are plaguing the region and for which there are no solutions on the horizon yet, in light of the multiplicity of global and regional projects that are trying to subjugate the people once again.

The Peoples' Brotherhood Project, despite obstacles has greatly succeeded in consolidating relations between peoples, especially Kurdish and Arab relations, and returning them to the right path, and consolidating the concept of living together and defending the land together against the occupation in the region of NE Syria.

The Peoples Fraternity Project opened the door to uniting the visions of millions of Arabs, Kurds, and other components in the coming years against tyranny, fascism, and dictatorial regimes.

However, the sparkling Arab-Kurdish relations remain ultimate goal for the regional and global regimes, led by the Turkish occupation state.
