Turkey prepares its mercenaries to send them to Kosovo to fight against Serbia

The Turkish occupation state is preparing to send groups of its mercenaries to the Republic of Kosovo, and lure them with $2,000 as a monthly salary.

Turkey prepares its mercenaries to send them to Kosovo to fight against Serbia
5 August 2023   12:59

By orders of the Turkish occupation army, the mercenaries of "Sultan Murad" in the areas occupied by Turkey opened offices to register mercenaries to send them to the Republic of Kosovo to fight against the Serbian forces for $2,000 per month.

Sources quoted by ANHA's correspondent reported the opening of registration centers, led by a mercenary called "Abu Arab" and under the name of the (Yarmouk Brigade) for $2,000 per month for a period of 6 months.

According to the information, the number of paid mercenaries that the Turkish occupation will send is 400, in light of the talk of sending another number to African countries.

The Turkish occupation state used Syrian mercenaries, in conflicts in several countries, including Libya, Azerbaijan, Yemen, Afghanistan, and recently Ukraine, to fight as hired killers to be paid money.

T/ Satt.