​​​​​​​ Turkish occupation arrests election coordinator’s member of left-wing Green Party

The authorities of the Turkish occupation state arrested a member of the election coordinator of the left-wing Green Party.

​​​​​​​ Turkish occupation arrests election coordinator’s member of left-wing Green Party
27 April 2023   08:02

Continuing the political genocide pursued by the Turkish authorities, and the continuation of the campaign of arrests launched by the Turkish authorities against politicians, intellectuals, and journalists in Turkey and Bakur Kurdistan, a member of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Council, Aziz Tashkin, was arrested today by order of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Amed.

 Aziz Tashkin, member of the election coordinating party of the left-wing Green Party, was detained by the police while leaving the election office in Avler district.

Also yesterday morning, the assistant of the head of the lawyers Association in Amed, Mehdi Ozdemir, revealed that about 150 people were arrested on April 25, including 11 journalists and many politicians and artists.
