March against leader's isolation in Euphrates region

The youth of the Euphrates region marched; Condemning the strict isolation imposed on the leader, under the slogan "Youths are the men of Commander Apo".

March against leader's isolation in Euphrates region
March against leader's isolation in Euphrates region
March against leader's isolation in Euphrates region
March against leader's isolation in Euphrates region
27 April 2023   07:33

The march, in which dozens of young people participated, started from the junction of the village of Halinj, and will end in the village of Alblour, west of the city of Kobani, raising pictures of the leader Abdullah Ocalan.

The march began with a minute of silence in remembrance of the souls of the martyrs, followed by a speech by Hassan Mustafa, the member of the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement, who denounced the inaction of the international forces towards the isolation imposed on the leader, considering it a continuation of the international conspiracy against him.

Mustafa called on the youth to escalate the struggle, as they are targeted by the Turkish occupation state, which is fighting the leader's ideology and philosophy.

Hassan Mustafa vowed on behalf of the youth, leader Abdullah Ocalan, "We will not rest until the leader obtains his physical freedom."

After that, the march proceeded to the village of Alblour, where the leader's house is located, amid chants calling for the leader's physical freedom, "There is no life without the leader," "Death to the fascists and freedom for the leader."
