Politicians comment on Moscow meeting

Politicians in NE Syria confirmed that all attempts, meetings and agreements aimed at normalizing relations between the Damascus government and neighboring countries since the start of the crisis have failed as a result of non-participation of all Syrian component  in those meetings and agreements.

Politicians comment on Moscow meeting
4 April 2023   07:01

On April 4, the work of the quadripartite meeting began at the level of foreign ministers' deputy of Russia, Iran, the Turkish occupation and the Damascus government, in efforts to normalize relations between the Turkish occupation and the Damascus government.

The politicians of NE Syria believe that the meeting will not bring any solution to the Syrian crisis.

Azhar Ahmed, politician and member of the Central Committee of Kurdish Left Party in Syria, explained that: "The Syrian crisis is passing through a dangerous path now, by trying to reactivate the role of the Damascus government again".

Ahmed emphasized that the solution to the Syrian crisis lies in the participation of all Syrian parties, and stated: "The solution must be Syrian-Syrian, and among all Syrian parties."

Ahmed added: "Turkey wants to prolong the Syrian crisis, and if it is serious about normalizing attempts, it must withdraw from all the lands it occupied. Turkey will not withdraw until obtaining political concessions and areas of influence in Syria."

Thabet al-Jawhar, member of the executive body of the Syrian Democratic Council, believes that all attempts, meetings and agreements aimed at normalizing relations between the Damascus government and neighboring countries since the outbreak of the crisis have failed as a result of the non-participation of the representatives of the Syrian people in these meetings and agreements.

Thabet commented on the quadripartite meeting, and said: "These meetings will not bring a solution to the Syrian crisis, because Turkey occupies an area of Syrian territory".

Jawhar stressed that any solution to the Syrian crisis must guarantee the rights of all Syrians.
