Hesso: Turkey fights on behalf of the ideal model for the future Syria

Akram Hesso explained that the developments taking place in the region and their effects will help more and more in bringing the Autonomous Administration project closer to constitutional legitimacy, especially after the Security Council adopted the discussion of Resolution 2,268 instead of Resolution 2,254, and stressed that Turkey is fighting on behalf of the ideal model for the future Syria.

Hesso: Turkey fights on behalf of the ideal model for the future Syria
13 February 2023   02:26

The region and the international arena have recently witnessed increased political and diplomatic activity and movement, especially between the conflicting forces in Syria. Turkey, Iran, Russia and America. On the one hand, there is a struggle between the dominant powers in Ukraine, and joint military maneuvers between Russia and China. On the other hand, there is a Turkish-Iranian crisis regarding Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Relations between Turkey and America are also witnessing some tensions due to the blockade imposed on Russia, the F-16 and F-35 aircraft deals, and the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO.

Observers classified the recent visit of the Turkish Foreign Minister to Washington; Failed.

The meetings that took place between Russia, Turkey and Syria, the last of which brought together the defense and intelligence ministers, resulted in the absence of Iran. The main ally of the Damascus government to reach understandings on the need for a Turkish-Syrian reconciliation, but those meetings faltered. Therefore, he decided to re-discuss the meeting of Turkey, Syria, and Russia, and to include Iran in it.

Turkey is fighting on behalf of the ideal model for the future Syria

The recent developments have directly affected the areas of the Autonomous Administration, as each force has special interests that it would like to dictate to the Autonomous Administration, led by Turkey.

Akram Hesso, a member of the Executive Body of the Kurdistan National Congress, and the former head of the executive council in Jazira region, explained in a statement to ANHA’s agency, "The Turkish occupation state is now playing the main role on behalf of (Tehran, Damascus, Baghdad, and Moscow, which aspires to restore centralization to the regime in Damascus) to fight the AANES, which constitutes the ideal model for the future Syria.

Hesso pointed out that "Turkey played the volatile role in the Arab Spring revolutions in the East, passing through its role as an exploited mediator in the (Ukrainian-Russian) war, and reaching the role of the player threatening Europe through the refugee file and the disloyal member of NATO when it endangers the security of the latter by obtaining On missile defense systems from Russia, and preventing the membership of Sweden and Finland in NATO, and this contradicts the interests of the world powers that see the Turkish position as an exploitative position and far from the content of NATO, so Ankara has become a heavy and influential burden on those geopolitical and economic calculations of the two parties to the conflict and their allies.

Geopolitical circumstances and factors changed a lot after the Ukrainian war

Hesso stated, "What seemed clear through the political failure of the Turkish Foreign Minister's recent visit to Washington, and I believe that the geopolitical conditions and factors have changed a lot after the Ukrainian war, and the geography of North and East Syria has become more influential and attractive to conflicting interests with Ankara and its allies in the region."

The recent developments bring the Autonomous Administration project closer to constitutional legitimacy

Hesso noted that the developments taking place in the region and their effects will help more and more in bringing the Autonomous Administration project closer to constitutional legitimacy, especially after adopting the discussion of Resolution 2,268 instead of Resolution 2,254 in the last session of the UN Security Council on December 29, 2022.

2016 by the United Nations Security Council, calling on the council to stop hostilities and allow humanitarian workers to enter Syria.

Hesso explained that the forces of the Astani Tripartite with Damascus see the Autonomous Administration project; A danger to it, unlike the global powers that see that the geography of northern and eastern Syria has become the helm in the region, and he said: "Therefore, the quartet platform formed in place of Astana recently (Moscow-Tehran-Damascus-Ankara) does not accept anything offered by the Autonomous Administration for a solution."

Hesso confirmed, "There are strong opportunities and capabilities in the Autonomous Administration that can be invested."

Hesso indicated that the position of the Autonomous Administration has been clear since the beginning of its establishment and regarding the recent developments.

  Hesso said at the end of his speech: "The position of the Autonomous Administration has been clear since the beginning of its announcement; it is building Syria for all Syrians, good neighborliness, non-interference in the affairs of neighboring countries, and opening the door to dialogue with all parties."

 T/ Satt.