Nouri Mahmoud: Just as we did against ISIS, we must protect ourselves and fight and win

Commenting on the attacks of the occupying Turkish state on the regions of NE Syria and its threats to occupy the region again, the spokesman for the People's Protection Units, Nouri Mahmoud, stressed that if the attacks on the region continue, their forces will not stand idly by and will defend the region and its people.

Nouri Mahmoud: Just as we did against ISIS, we must protect ourselves and fight and win
25 April 2022   05:08

Nouri Mahmoud mentioned that the Turkish state's attacks are not only against Başûr Kurdistan and said: "There is a possibility of a serious attack on our areas. And just as we did against ISIS, we have to protect ourselves, to fight and win."

Spokesman for the People's Protection Units (YPG), Nouri Mahmoud, spoke to ANHA about the Turkish state's threats against the regions of north and east Syria and the occupation attacks against the regions of Başûr (Southern Kurdistan).

Encounters with Europe

Regarding the meetings that took place in Europe, Nouri Mahmoud said: "We went to Europe during the Newrz celebrations. The Kurdish Democratic Council in France invited us to a reception for the Night of Newroz. At the reception we shared the celebration with many French and European Kurdish friends.

Newroz this year was prestigious and the Kurds participated in it in all four parts of Kurdistan and in Europe as well. Not only did the Kurds celebrate it, but Newroz was celebrated by many peoples. We discussed many issues in with the friends of the Kurdish people. Like the attacks of ISIS on our areas, the reasons for the revival of ISIS again in occupied areas, necessary measures. The danger of the Turkish state's authority on the Kurdish people and many other issues.

So far, no official position has been issued

 “Of course, the friends of the Kurdish people expressed a position on these issues.” Nouri Mahmoud clarified the position of the people he met with, and said: “Like the former French President, Mr. Hollande emphasized the merit of our forces over them. They also confirmed that they would try to urge their government and the governments of the world to take position of the events that are taking place.” All those we met agreed that the reason for the revival and spread of ISIS again is the advanced fronts in the occupied areas. But so far the world's governments have not expressed any official position against the violations and practices of AKP, MHP."

Erdogan is using the Ukraine-Russia war as an opportunity

With the start of the raging war between Ukraine and Russia, the Turkish state has been attacking the Başûr Kurdistan regions since April 17. Nouri Mahmud explained that the Turkish state is using the Ukrainian-Russian war as an opportunity to achieve its goals. He added, "Recently, the authoritarian political, economic and diplomatic situation seemed miserable inside Turkey. The reality of this authority with terrorist and extremist groups was clearly visible. The Ukraine war was an opportunity for the Turkish internal authority. And the world does not bear the responsibility for solving internal problems in Ukraine- Russia.

The world has considered Erdogan's authority and Turkey responsible for the blood of the people of the region, the sabotage of the Syrian revolution, and the problems of the Middle East. Erdogan took advantage of this opportunity. We see that today, under these reasons, an opportunity has been created to end the Kurdish people's revolution and to dissolve democracy in north eastern Syria. And the world is silent about these facts. The world is showing that the Ukraine war is going strong and Erdogan is taking advantage of this opportunity."

This attack is not only on Başûr

Nouri Mahmoud stressed the world's silence regarding the current war in Başûr (Southern Kurdistan) and said: "The Iraqi central government and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) are participating in the war at every step. This is a great danger to the region. This attack is not limited to Qandil only, but it will reach Mosul, Kirkuk and Hewler. They will try to attack NE Syria as well. The Turkish state seeks to eliminate all hopes for democracy in the region and increase its influence in the region."

There is potential for serious attacks

Nouri Mahmoud: "If this attack is successful, the Turkish state will occupy Başûr Kurdistan completely. It will also increase the danger to Rojava (Western Kurdistan). Therefore, there are possibilities for serious attacks. The Turkish authority says explicitly 'We will attack Rojava in north eastern Syria'. The Turkish state also directs threats to the region, despite the presence of the Global Coalition in the region.

The practices that the Turks are doing here are also being implemented in Iraq

The Government of Iraq built a separation wall, 250 km long, between Rojava and Shengal. Nouri Mahmoud mentioned about the construction of the separation wall separating Shengal and Rojava and that this matter will be an opportunity for the owners of hostile goals against the area. He said: "And this party, whether the Turkish state or ISIS, we see that the practices carried out by the Turkish state against our regions are implemented in Iraq as well. The Kurdistan Democratic Party implements the same actions. Therefore, what is happening there is the decision of the Turkish state more than it is the decision of the Iraqi government. Or the Kurdistan Democratic Party. They are under the influence of the hard-line fascist regime of AKP and MHP and they act according to that mentality. There is no self-will there. They hand Başûr to Erdogan and MHP. Everything that is happening inside Başûr is the result of the intervention of AKP and MHP."

"No matter how strong the Ukraine war is; they should note the spread of ISIS terrorism again." By saying this, Nuri Mahmoud clarified the dangerous goals of the Turkish state and said: "Their goal is to create borders. They also have greater goals, which is to redraw the map of the Ottoman Empire after eliminating the democracy project in northeastern Syria. By restoring its control over part of Asia, Europe, the entire East Despite all these efforts, world governments are still ignoring all the Turkish state's moves in the region."

We will do everything necessary to protect you

Nouri Mahmoud evaluated the attacks of the occupying Turkish state and its mercenaries on north and east Syria, with attempts to re-deploy ISIS. Mahmoud explained these attacks by saying: "It is true that we fought against ISIS, but we did not win the war only. What happened in north eastern Syria developed as a result of organizing the region. We want to solve problems through politics and diplomacy. But when necessary and for the sake of life with dignity, democracy, freedom and protection, we will do everything necessary to achieve this. And let the world know that what ISIS failed to achieve, the AKP and MHP government seeks to implement today. The goals of ISIS and Erdogan are not different."

We will not remain silent

Nouri Mahmoud emphasized that they would not remain silent if the attacks continued. He added: "These attacks are terrorist. We will protect ourselves within the framework of legitimate defense. The Global Coalition, America and Russia must open their eyes to these attacks. These attacks force us to think about how to protect ourselves. And if these attacks continue, our forces will certainly not remain silent. Our people also have to understand this fact. Our people showed strong support in the al-Sina’a Prison attack and the entire people stood by our forces. Despite all the violent attacks, our people do not leave their homeland."

Our people must be prepared

YPG spokesman, Nouri Mahmoud, called on the people of north eastern Syria to promote the People's Revolutionary War. He said, "Organize yourselves in the field of the people's revolutionary war. Our forces, which are well trained in the war, will protect the region until the end. In order for our forces to achieve guaranteed results for the people and in their institutions, perform all the duties entrusted to them. Our people must prepare to confront an authority that does not know any law or and just as we did against ISIS, we must protect ourselves, fight and win.”