As a strategic option .. SDC representative in Egypt stresses on importance of Kurdish-Arab alliance

Reportaj Summay

As a strategic option .. SDC representative in Egypt stresses on importance of Kurdish-Arab alliance
5 January 2022   00:14

 Laila Mussa, representative of the Syrian Democratic Council in Egypt, stressed the importance of adopting a strategic dialogue between the Kurds and Arabs in addressing the issues and crises afflicting the region, and stressed that the alliance between them is "a way to reduce the size of the contradictions gap that foreign countries have long used  to pass its colonial agendas and projects.

 At a time when the Middle East is suffering from regional interventions and colonial policies by capitalist countries, the Kurdish-Arab alliance has become an urgent necessity.

 For years, seminars and dialogue conferences have been held between the Kurds and Arabs aimed at protecting the region and how to deter colonialism in addition to establishing brotherly relations between  the two peoples to preserve the social fabric, and stressing the importance of establishing a Kurdish-Arab alliance that stands in the face of colonial ambitions.  In this regard, our agency conducted a dialogue with the representative of the Syrian Democratic Council in Egypt, Laila Mussa.

 The following is the text of the interview:

 * What is the importance of this dialogue in light of the various challenges in Middle East from foreign interference and terrorism?

In the midst of the events in the region in general and the challenges, and in light of the development of new strategies and mapping of the region imposed from the outside, taking advantage of the contradictions experienced by the majority of the regional countries  with the complete absence of the will of their peoples, in many cases these strategies and mapping contradict their aspirations and their freedom, will and ambitions.  , and even more than that, most of the countries in the region, in light of the global war, have turned into quagmire, suffering  from intractable disasters and crises, because most of the solutions do not reflect on addressing the reasons for which societies rose up, so that the peoples of the region have an actual and central presence in addressing their issues.  Getting out of the crises he suffers from and developing constitutions and policies to manage their regions requires the adoption of dialogue between the peoples and components of the region as a strategic option and not a tactical or interim option, because any alliance between the peoples of the region and their solidarity is the way to reduce the size of the gap of contradictions that the region suffers from, which has long been nourished by the outside to pass its agendas and projects  colonial expansion.

 This choice is not difficult or impossible. On the contrary, there is a lived experience and it achieved a great deal of what we are talking about, which is the experience of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces, and how the Arab-Kurdish alliance, along with the rest of the components of the Syrian people, played the role in maintaining civil peace, social fabric, coexistence, fighting defeating terrorism, and standing in the face of many regional projects with expansionist occupier ambitions, foremost of which are the Ottoman Erdogan project and the Iranian Shiite crescent. The Autonomous Administration areas of northern and eastern Syria, thanks to this alliance, are managed according to a national project by its people of all ethnicities and beliefs, unlike the rest of the regions  Syria, which is systematically subjected to Turkification and Shiism.

 Therefore, the Arab and Kurdish peoples should seize the opportunity and stand hand in hand and form a strategic alliance that contributes to ensuring their survival alongside the rest of their brothers from the components of the Syrian people by running their country according to a national project that preserves the principles of the revolution and guarantees freedom, democracy, social justice, a dignified life and true citizenship.

And when I talk about the Syrian experience, I do not limit the relationship within the Syrian national domain only, but rather include the Arab and Kurdish peoples in general, because the danger is not only to Syria, but to the entire region, and regional and even international countries, their projects and ambitions, include the entire region. The success of their experience in Syria opens  the way to generalize their experiences in the rest of the countries of the region and vice versa, and the preservation of the national security of any people is dependent on the preservation of the national security of the other people.

 * How do you assess Kurdish-Arab relations at the present time, and what is the common basis between the two peoples?

 The relations between the two peoples historically, even at the present time, exist and  dominated by brotherly, respect and good neighborliness. They fought in one trench in the face of the occupying forces of their countries, because they share a common destiny, history, enemy and threat. Their national security depends on each other.

Unfortunately, this relationship has not developed into a strategic choice due to some politicians and leaders in the region whose personal interests have prevailed over the public interest. Some regimes of a nationalistic and religious nature are the creation of the abroad and often play on ideological and nationalist tendencies, taking advantage of material needs and greed.  And the narrow personal interests of some leaders and chiefs of tribes and clans to strike peoples at each other, in addition to dividing countries according to the Sykes-Picot Agreement and other agreements, contributed to creating a rupture between the peoples of the region by practicing a systematic policy of starvation and limiting the thinking of the peoples of the region to securing a living and distracting them with their material needs.  Sometimes, however, its successes remained within narrow frameworks, and it was unable to cause a rupture in the historical relations that are rooted in the depth of history and are based on humanitarian and moral foundations in the first place.

 * What are the obstacles that stand in the way of Kurdish-Arab dialogue?

 In my opinion, there are many obstacles and difficulties, in addition to many challenges that try to prevent any Kurdish-Arab rapprochement from occurring. Rather, it works actively to erase the alliances and relations that used to unite the two peoples from the memory of the peoples, and works to present these alliances in a distorted and hollowed out of their essence and reality.

 Among the obstacles and challenges, for example:

 The continuity of the existence of the artificial borders imposed on the region and its repercussions on the mental and spiritual state and its contributions to creating a rupture and isolation between the two peoples.

The majority of the two peoples ignored the truth and history of each other, for many reasons, either because of the spread of illiteracy and ignorance of historical facts or school curricula far from the truth and history of the region, and the smear campaigns that the two peoples are exposed to by the enemies of the region and portraying them as sometimes separatists or barbarians and other epithets far from  The truth, or misrepresentation of the history of the region.

 In addition to the nature of the regimes that run the region, whether those characterized by a religious or national character that reject the different other, and even find that ensuring its existential security passes through the elimination of the other.

 In addition to the preoccupation of every people with their internal problems, securing their basic needs, their ignorance of history and drawing lessons and lessons from it, their lack of reading and analysis of the present, and the development of plans, projects and future strategies for managing their countries.

 We do not forget the huge amount of continuous smear campaigns that both peoples are exposed to, and the policies of powers, states, organizations, and parties with expansionist occupier ambitions and economic projects, which have long been nourished by contradictions and the gap between the peoples of the region, they work diligently to create enmities and rifts between the Arab and Kurdish peoples.

 How can Kurdish-Arab unity be effectively achieved on the ground?

 In my opinion, as long as the causes are known, the solutions are not impossible, and as it is logically known, discovering the problem is half the solution.

 We need, in the first place, to rewrite the history of the region and remove all the impurities and distortions that plague it.

 To work hard to raise the level of knowledge of the two peoples about their history and present by conducting a real and serious dialogue based on a real and serious desire of the two peoples by intensifying the dialogue and cultural activities, media programs and civil society institutions aimed at bringing the two peoples together by strengthening the commonalities and working together to overcome controversial and pending issues.

 In addition to the real and actual participation of the two peoples along with the rest of the peoples who are united by the unity of destiny, history and the goal of developing strategies, plans and projects to manage their countries in proportion to the nature, characteristics and privacy of their societies.

 Conducting a real dialogue to discuss the threats and challenges facing the two peoples, and come up with long-term projects and strategies and interim tactics to overcome and eliminate them.

 Most important of all, the Kurdish-Arab dialogue should not be restricted to the framework of Iraq and Syria alone, as the relationship between the two peoples is more comprehensive, deeper and broader.

 * What is required of influential figures from both sides to highlight the Kurdish issue to the whole world?

 The beginning of defining the Kurdish issue in all its aspects and dimensions for the people, and not limiting it to political and academic frameworks and elites, because the majority of the Arab people are ignorant of the history, truth and cause of the Kurdish people, and if they possess some information, most of them are distorted, distorted and misleading due to the horror and the size of the media and private war practiced by the enemies and usurpers of Kurdistan and the beneficiary forces  From pricing the hostility and conflicts between the peoples of the region to keep them fragile and weak.

 Introducing the two peoples to the dialectical relationship with regard to existential, national and identity security and their effects on each other.

 Highlighting and highlighting the importance and necessity of the relationship between the two peoples at this historical and fateful stage that the two peoples are going through, the role of this relationship in reaching safety, and the repercussions it may have on the future and fate of the two peoples in the event that this relationship fades.

 We are in dire need of a constructive style and discourse that calls for fraternity and coexistence.
