SDF arrests 2 ISIS mercenaries one smuggled ISIS families to Turkish occupied areas

Syrian Democratic Forces, the SDF, have arrested two ISIS mercenaries, in the countryside of Deir-ez-Zor and Hasakah, one of whom in charge of a network of trafficking ISIS families into Turkish occupied areas.

SDF arrests 2 ISIS mercenaries one smuggled ISIS families to Turkish occupied areas
19 July 2021   07:56

According to information published by the Syrian Democratic Forces Media Centre, the arrest is part of operations aimed at halting trafficking operations in the region, establishing security and stability and halting the activity of terrorist cells.

Media center indicated that the Special Units of the Syrian Democratic Forces, with the support of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS carried out two operations in the Al-Sawi area, south of Al-Hol camp in eastern Hasaka, and the other in the Hawija area in the countryside of Al-Suwar, in northern Deir-ez-Zor.

The first operation resulted in the arrest of a network in charge of smuggling families of ISIS elements and leaders inside the camp, and responsible for transporting them to the occupied areas by Turkey and the mercenaries of the "National Army" and he has contacts with leaders of the terrorist organization ISIS, and weapons and documents in his possession were confiscated.

On the second operation in northern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor, Media Centre confirmed that it led to the arrest of element of an ISIS cell, who participated in attacks and bombings targeting Internal Security Forces checkpoints, planning assassinations, promoting ISIS and inciting the population, with a view to destabilizing the security of the area. During the operation, special units confiscated weapons and equipment in his possession, as well as military uniforms used in the attacks.