PYD Councilman: Ocalan's ideology is key to solving ME crises

Member of the General Council of the Democratic Union Party (PYD)- Aleppo branch confirmed that the ideology of the leader Ocalan is the key to solving the crises in the Middle East, and that the goal of strict isolation against the leader is to prevent the spread of his democratic ideology against the capitalist system.

PYD Councilman: Ocalan's ideology is key to solving ME crises
2 June 2021   20:42

The Turkish authorities imposed strict isolation on the leader, Abdullah Ocalan, and prevented his family and lawyer from visiting him for years.

On the objectives of imposing this isolation on the leader, Hawar News Agency interviewed member of the General Council of the Democratic Union Party in the city of Aleppo, Mustafa Hamo, who said: "Isolation on Leader Apo is isolation on all peoples demanding freedom and democracy, especially the Kurdish people, and the Turkish authorities always want to target these peoples in the person of the leader Ocalan."

"The leader's project is an alternative to the capitalist system"

Hamo pointed out that Turkey and the capitalist system participating in the conspiracy against Ocalan fear his democratic thought because "the democratic nation project proposed by leader Apo is an alternative to the system of capitalist countries, which helps peoples to live freely and democratically, and their fear that this project may destroy all Turkish plans and policies towards the peoples of the region.

"Ocalan's thought is the key to the solution"

Hamo stressed, "the thought and philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan is the key to solving the crises in the Middle East, which will liberate the oppressed peoples, and all countries of the world, including the Turkish state, must see this truth."

Mustafa Hamo, a member of the General Council of the Democratic Union Party, concluded his speech by saying: "The Kurdish people and the peoples coexisting with it must organize events and rise up in the squares to lift the isolation of leader Ocalan and follow his path and free thought."



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