AANES: congratulates Yazidis on the Êzî Day

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has congratulated the Yazidi community on the occasion of the Êzî Day, indicating that celebrating the day is one of the most crucial aspects of religious, cultural and historical features of the deeply rooted component. 

AANES: congratulates Yazidis on the Êzî Day
17 December 2020   09:10

A statement was released today by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, on the occasion of the Êzî Day, celebrated by the Yazidi community, corresponding to Friday.

The statement reads as follows:

''With the advent of the Fasting Eid( the Êzî Day), that corresponds to the first Friday in Eastern December annually, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria expresses congratulations to our Yazidi people in North Eastern Syria and all over the world. 

Celebrating such an occasion is a revival to the one of the most crucial aspects of religious, cultural and historical features of the deeply rooted component.   

Preserving such deeply rooted features is a renaissance to the real Yazidi identity that undergone and still every types of genocide.

We wish welfare to the Yazidi people, noting to the necessity of abiding by the hygienic procedures and mobility within the specified measures regarding such occasions, that were decreed by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria to curb outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Merry Êzî Day to Yazidis and all components of our people''.

the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria
