People of western countryside of Raqqa denounce continued Turkish crimes

Dozens of people from the western countryside of Raqqa went out today in a massive demonstration, expressing their anger at the policies of the Turkish occupation state and its crimes against civilians.

People of western countryside of Raqqa denounce continued Turkish crimes
People of western countryside of Raqqa denounce continued Turkish crimes
People of western countryside of Raqqa denounce continued Turkish crimes
People of western countryside of Raqqa denounce continued Turkish crimes
30 September 2020   10:07

The demonstration took place in the municipality of Salhabiyah, west of the city of Raqqa, and dozens of people from Salhabiya and the surrounding villages participated in it, as well as members of the civil committees and political parties, as they roamed the town's streets chanting slogans calling for an end to the Turkish occupation and the prosecution of the perpetrators for their crimes in the occupied areas.

Then the demonstrators gathered in the center of the town, where they stood for a minute of silence for the souls of the martyrs, for the co-chair of the People's Assembly in the town of Tishreen Abd al-Latif al-Hamad to deliver a speech in which he condemned the ongoing violations against the people of the occupied territories and the acts of murder, rape and extortion against them, calling on the international community to take effective steps and break its silence about ahat happens.

On Friday, a member of the Future Syria Party, Ghanem, referred to the project that Turkey is seeking to divide Syria and change the demographics of the occupied areas, before the eyes of the whole world.

The words affirmed that the peoples of North and East Syria stand united in the face of Turkish projects and policies, and will not stand idly by regarding the crimes of Turkey and its mercenaries, calling on the international community to intervene, take effective steps and end the occupation.