N, E Syria Students Forum concluded

The North and East Syria Students Forum concluded its work with many recommendations, the most important of which is the convening of a conference for Syrian students.

N, E Syria Students Forum concluded
21 September 2019   12:43

The forum started yesterday, with the participation of 100 students, to discuss many topics related to the status of students and their role in society, and find a mechanism for organizing the ranks of students.

The forum lasted for two consecutive days in which participants discussed many axes on the mechanism of activating the role of students in society, problems and difficulties experienced by students, and the importance of organizing students, and other axes that will enhance the role of students and activate it.

After extensive discussions during two consecutive days, the forum concluded its work with a final statement, which was read out verbally by the member of the Preparatory Committee of the Forum, Siamand Hassan.

According to the statement, the participants in the forum made many recommendations regarding the mechanism of organizing students and strengthening their role. One of the most important outcomes of the forum, according to the statement, the need to work on an expanded conference for Syrian students, and that and results of the forum as a starting point for the reorganization of the ranks of students.