Unleashes its sword at its people, sheathes it against the invaders

The right of reply, which was retained by the Syrian regime for 40 years, has given rein to greed dreams of the repressive regional states within the Syrian territory, which occupied parts of it and violated the Syrian sovereignty. This is evident through the Turkish occupation of Afrin and northern Syria, which Turkey regards as its own property without regard to Syrian sovereignty.

Unleashes its sword at its people, sheathes it against the invaders
27 March 2019   06:15

Should not the Syrian regime's army act against the occupation forces that are trying to cut off parts of the Syrian territory, protect its territorial integrity and seek ways to unify the Syrian efforts to limit these occupation operations and to refrain from contributing to providing the climate for dividing Syria?

Since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis in 2011, the swords of the Syrian army and mercenary groups have been unleashed on the necks of the Syrian people, who came out in a popular revolution demanding freedom, their stolen rights and pluralistic Syria, while these mercenary forces and groups massacred the children of this nation and sheathed its sword in the face of the enemies of their homeland, turning a blind eye to greedy dreams of the regional states and the surrounding neighborhood in occupying the Syrian territory, under the pretext of retaining the right of reply throughout the rule of this Baath Party.

Turning a blind eye to the division of Syrian territory and trying to annex it to some of the occupant sides was not coincidental, but was aided by the same regime that established the appropriate ground and climate through its wrong policies of these occupation operations and secret agreements between them and those parties, including Turkey and Israel as is the case in some areas north and south of Syria.

If we go back to history a little bit since the Baath Party took over power in Syria and to the present day, we will see that the Baathist regime was one of the most important protectors of the borders of the Israeli occupation that occupied the Golan Heights, which was known as the Golan Heights in June 1967, and the regime has only resorted to slogans of resistance and media threats that speak of the right of reply in the right place and time, in an attempt to absorb the anger of the Syrian street and push the people to accept the status quo and avoid collision with the boiling Syrian people and Arab society.

Today, the policy of the silence of the ruling authority in Syria and the process of protecting the borders of Israel has prepared for the intervention of the occupation forces in the Syrian territory today and contributed to encouraging those parties to declare the occupational operations. The Golan Heights today has become officially Israeli recognized by one of the world powers as Israeli territory and the legitimacy of Israel on those Syrian territories.

President of the United States Donald Trump on March 21, a new episode of his series published on Twitter, in which he referred to the recognition of his country's government of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. He was determined to and conclude the process of recognition, amid the silence of the Syrian regime except statements and speeches which are released by his followers which do not make the tiniest difference.

Perhaps the Baathist regime's silence on the Isreali occupation to the Syrian territories encouraged the Turkish occupation also to search for some areas that might annex it to Turkish territory. What is going on in Jarablus, al-Bab, Azaz and Idlib are blatant eyewitnesses to those attempts. In the midst of this play, the audience and fan is the Syrian regime. The Syrian regime has not acted so far in any serious steps to deter Turkish intervention in Syria, and to counter its latest threats to the eastern Euphrates region, which is the same mindset that encouraged and continued the process of cutting the Syrian Golan Heights in 1967.

Amid the difficult circumstances of the country, while all the Syrian parties from the regime to the opposition are supposed to unite efforts, the Baathist regime continues to insist on the abolition of the other, arrogance, unleashes swords towards its people, while sheathes its sword in the face of external invaders on Syrian territory.

Syrian lands are cut and the regime still rejects the political solutions offered by the actors on Syrian soil. The Syrian Democratic Council's proposal of a political project in Syria is diverse and decentralized, which is the most appropriate solution that may limit any new external aggression attempts and achieve unity of Syria and the people. With its parties' cohesion in accordance with this project, Syrian sovereignty over Syrian territory will return.

 It is worrisome that what we are witnessing today in the Golan Heights may be seen in favor of other parties occupying the Syrian territory like Turkey in the future, or will the intransigent Baathist Syrian regime wake up from its painful coma: oppressing its people and contributing to occupation? Another question that poses itself: Will the so-called Syrian army move against the occupying forces, or will it remain only to suppress the Syrian people?

The most important question here is: When would the time of right of reply come? Especially after the United States officially declared Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.