Hundreds of al-Tabqa youth revolt against Turkish occupation

The Youth Organization Office of the Future Syria Party organized and in coordination with the Youth Council of al-Tabqa a demonstration in which hundreds of residents of the city and its countryside protested against the Turkish threats to north and east of Syria, calling Erdogan "The tyrant of the age and the enemy of humanity".

Hundreds of al-Tabqa youth revolt against Turkish occupation
Hundreds of al-Tabqa youth revolt against Turkish occupation
Hundreds of al-Tabqa youth revolt against Turkish occupation
Hundreds of al-Tabqa youth revolt against Turkish occupation
Hundreds of al-Tabqa youth revolt against Turkish occupation
Hundreds of al-Tabqa youth revolt against Turkish occupation
16 January 2019   10:32


The demonstration was launched from Maysaloun roundabout in the second neighborhood towards the al-Furqan roundabout at the end of the same neighborhood, raising the flags of "Syria Future Party, al-Tabqa's Youth Council, Young Women's Union, Syrian Democratic Forces and Martyrs' Families Council."

The demonstrators carried banners reading "Hand in hand against the Turkish occupation". "No to murderer Erdogan" "We revolt against the Turkish occupation" "The youth of future revolt in the face of occupation."

After arriving at the end point of the march at al-Furqan roundabout, and after standing a minute of silence, the administrator in the Youth Organization Office in the Future Syria Party Media Mohammed delivered a speech blessing at the beginning the revolt of the youth and their role in deterring the Turkish aggression on north and east Syria.

Media added "We congratulate all the participants who chose their fate within a united, pluralistic, decentralized Syria. We are approaching the 20th day of January on the day of the beginning of the aggression and the occupation of Afrin by the Turkish occupier and his mercenaries," she said. "As a youth we took our decision to revolt and stand against the Turkish occupation and its cowardly threats. We have been and still are the leaders in the protection of this homeland and its gains. "

At the end of the demonstration, the demonstrators chanted "Long live to the peoples' brotherhood", "Long live to a united and democratic Syria."