Celebration under motto “Yes to Education” in Kobani

The Youth Bureau in the Future Syria Party has organized a celebration in the city of Kobani for students and teachers, under the motto “Yes to Education” where dozens of youth partook.

Celebration under motto “Yes to Education” in Kobani
22 November 2018   15:54


The Youth Bureau in the Future Syria Party- the Euphrates branch has organized a diverse cultural celebration in the city of Kobani for students and teachers, under the motto “Yes to Education” where dozens of youth partook.

Dozens of students and teachers from Kobani canton attended the celebration which began with a minute of silence in commemoration of martyrs souls, then Nihad Bozo, the administrator in the Future Syria Youth in the Euphrates region delivered a speech asserting that students are the ones who draw the future with their pens and notebooks, and the youth and students build the homeland.

The Executive Bureau of the Future Syria Party Jahed Hasan delivered a speech explaining the political developments that take place in the area; wars, conflicts and particularly the Syrian crisis.

Then the head of Kobani University Kamal Basrawi said “You, students, you are the promising future generation, you are looking forward to building the homeland, and Kobani University is ready to receive you, we hope it would contribute to making you succeed in your studies.

The celebration also included singing parts performed by the Martyr Zaradesht, Martyr Givara bands of Baqi Khido in the city of Kobani.

Then, teachers started competitions between the students over scientific questions, and winners were awarded.

The celebration concluded with popular Dabka on the rhythm of folkloric songs.