Kobani preparing to receive Culture, Art's Festival of Martyr Hoger

Rojava Youth Union is preparing to launch the fourth edition of the festival "Tigris and Euphrates for Culture and Art" in Kobani city on behalf of the Martyr Hauger Festival.

Kobani preparing to receive Culture, Art's Festival of Martyr Hoger
16 Decemberember 2018   08:56


For the past three years, the Rojava Youth has organized the Martyr Hoger Festival for Culture and Art in Qamişhlo city, and is preparing to launch the fourth edition of the festival in Kobani canton.

It is scheduled to launch the fourth festival in Martyr Agied Square at the center of Kobani city on 20 October, with the participation of the people of the region of the Euphrates region and Manbij.

A member of Rojava Youth Federation in Kobani canton Ahmed Darwish said that what will mark the festival this year is the participation of all components to show and highlight their culture and heritage.

According to the Preparatory Committee, the fourth festival, which will start in Kobani, will move on 25 October to the city of al-Raqqa, and then to Qamişhlo on 30 October and to the city of al-Hasakah on 5 November.

The festival is named after the martyr's real name Hogir Kobani, the real name Hussein Muslim Jaradah, a member of the Kurdish National Students' Confederation who martyred in Tal Hamis district in Qamişhlo canton on 27 July in 2013.