Taliban rejected Afghan president's initiative , declared resumption of fighting

The Taliban Movement rejected Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's offer to extend the ceasefire and announced its intention to resume fighting.

Taliban rejected Afghan president's initiative , declared resumption of fighting
17 June 2018   10:17


The Taliban Movement refused to extend the ceasefire with the Afghan forces, and their intention to resume fighting, and the agency France Press quoted on Sunday that "the movement refuses to extend the ceasefire agreement with the Afghan security forces," continuing that "It will resume fighting."

Taliban spokesman Zabih al-lah Mujahid said, "The cease-fire ends tonight, and our operations will start." He added, "We have no intention of extending the ceasefire."

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Saturday extended the cease-fire by the government and asked the Taliban to take a similar step and stressed at the same time that the security forces will remain "on the defensive positions." He also called on the Taliban to "extend their ceasefire."