Al-Karama's people bid farewell martyr Hindi Jazara's corpse

Al-Karama area related to al-Raqqa city bid farewell the martyr Hindi Jazara's corpse who was martyred during al-Jazeera Tempest campaign to his last resting place at the Martyr Sêvdar Shrine.

Al-Karama's people bid farewell martyr Hindi Jazara's corpse
2 May 2018   13:36


The residents of al-Karama area and its villages and a number of members of civil institutions attended the funeral ceremony.

In the shrine, the funeral began with holding a minute of silence with a military parade performed by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Several speeches then delivered on behalf of SDF, the Internal Security Forces, and the Martyrs' Families Foundation in al-Karama area.

All the speeches offered condolences to the martyrs and praised the role of the martyrs in liberating the area from IS mercenaries and achieving freedom and peace for its peoples.

The speeches promised to continue the struggle of the martyrs until the liberation of the entire Syrian North from IS mercenaries and their supporters.

After that, the martyrdom document was read by the Martyrs' Families Foundation.

Furthermore, the funeral ended by chanting the slogans which glorify the martyrs.