“We will not give up supporting people's resistance"

The people of the city of al-Shaddadi stressed their support for the male and female politicians detained by the fascist Turkish state who supported the Kobani resistance, and stressed, "We will not abandon our solidarity until a free and dignified life is guaranteed."

 “We will not give up supporting people's resistance"
27 May 2024   04:10

The people of the city of al-Shaddadi, in Jazira canton, denounced the unjust sentences issued by the fascist Turkish state against Kurdish politicians, male and female, and jurists in Northern Kurdistan, who supported the Kobani resistance.

In this context, the administrator of the Martyrs’ Families Council in al-Shaddadi, Ayat al-Ibrahim, praised the resistance of Kobani’s supporters in Northern Kurdistan, and explained that the issuance of the ruling by the Turkish Criminal Court resulted from the hostile policies launched against the freedom struggle.

She emphasized support for the detainees of the so-called "Kobani Case" and stressed, "We will not give up on living in dignity and freedom, and we will not give up our solidarity as a people, no matter what the Turkish occupier and his mercenaries do."

In turn, member of the Democratic Union Party, Fadel al-Ahmad, pointed to the arbitrary Turkish policies pursued against male and female politicians, and said: “Issuing unjust rulings against male and female politicians shows the barbarism of Turkish policy in silencing the mouths.”

Human rights activist Ali al-Saleh said: “Since the beginning of the attacks on the city of Kobani and its response to the attacks, Turkey has arrested male and female politicians who supported Kobani under unconvincing and false pretexts, with the aim of silencing mouths and blocking the path to peoples’ struggle and solidarity.”

T/ Satt.