Security agreement between Baghdad- Damascus is “sham show with Iranian support”

A Syrian political writer considered the signing of the security agreement between Iraq and the Damascus government a “sham demonstration” of the process of “combat drug smuggling and combating terrorism,” noting that this step came at the impetus of Tehran, especially since the decisions of the Baghdad and Damascus governments are dependent on the Iranian decision.

Security agreement between Baghdad- Damascus is “sham show with Iranian support”
Security agreement between Baghdad- Damascus is “sham show with Iranian support”
17 May 2024   07:10

Syrian political writer Ali Al-Amin al-Suwaid said that the signing of the security agreement between Baghdad and the Damascus government is “sham demonstration that shows practical steps to combat drug smuggling and fight terrorism to remove the pretexts of the Arab countries that are required to normalize relations with Damascus.”

On Sunday, May 12, Iraqi Interior Minister Abdul Amir al-Shammari and his counterpart in the Damascus government, Muhammad al-Rahmoun, signed a security agreement that was described as “high-level,” which includes five axes “to enhance cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, border crimes, smuggling, human trafficking, cybersecurity, organized crime, extradition of wanted persons, and laundering money.”

Al-Suwaid points out that this step comes with an Iranian push, especially since the decisions of the Iraqi government, as well as the decisions of the Damascus government, are subject to Iran’s decision.

The signing of this agreement came after a long series of security and military meetings between Iraq and the Damascus government, the last of which was the security meeting hosted by Damascus last April.

It seems that - and speaking to al-Suwaid- the tactics of Iran and the Damascus government have succeeded in replacing the “formal” pressure method by the Arab countries forced to rapprochement with the Damascus government, to the method of taking steps that suggest that Assad is leading a government with weight of the type that signs international agreements concerned with “fighting crime and terrorism.”

Several media reports indicated that Syria had become the largest producer and exporter of Captagon in the past decade, after British government data indicated that Syria produces approximately 80% of the global production of Captagon.

Observers linked the signing of the agreement to the Arab initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis, noting that the agreement is a continuation of the provisions of that initiative, after the date of holding the second meeting of the “Arab Liaison Committee” to follow up on the implementation of the provisions of the “Arab Initiative” was postponed due to its conflict with the timing of the work of the Arab Summit in its 33rd session.

In addition, Syrian political writer Ali Al-Amin al-Suwaid concludes by saying: “Assad’s invitation to attend the Arab summit makes the existence of the Arab Communication Committee to impose an Arab solution to the Syrian crisis meaningless and worthless, when the meeting in Baghdad was postponed indefinitely the day before.” One of its meetings. It is likely that "Arab normalization with the Damascus government will continue."

T/ Satt.