SDC: Peaceful struggle and popular solidarity process dropp authority’s bets on March 12

The Syrian Democratic Council explained that the March 12 uprising “unified the Kurdish-Arab position in the face of the tyrannical regime, and forced it to retreat, contrary to what it was planning by inciting and attacking the components.”

SDC: Peaceful struggle and popular solidarity process dropp authority’s bets on March 12
12 March 2024   11:33

The Syrian Democratic Council issued a written statement to public opinion regarding the 20th anniversary of the Qamishlo massacre, which turned into the uprising of March 12, 2004, today, in which it reads:

Twenty years have passed since the March 12 uprising, which was a societal reaction against the tyrannical regime and its effort to spread discord among the components of one country. However, the Kurdish people’s social and political awareness was greater than the regime’s plans, so they were not drawn into the trap that the regime set for them, but rather determined its goal, and went directly to confront the brutal methods, and turned the massacre committed by the authorities against defenseless civilians into a major uprising that spread to all regions in Aleppo and Damascus.

During which the people broke the barrier of fear, and during which they called out slogans of freedom and democracy, demanding change and democratic transformation, this uprising was the first spark and the basic building block for the Syrian people’s revolution against the regime, which started from Daraa to expose the behavior of the authoritarian regime and its acts of corruption, and after that the waves of the uprising reached all Syrian regions to become a revolution that took on its true meaning at the center of its first outbreak on March 12, 2004, starting with the peaceful revolutionary movement until the establishment of the Democratic AANES, which today turned into an example and hope for all Syrians.

We in the SDC, at a time when we remember the martyrs of the Qamishlo uprising, through them we remember all the martyrs of the Syrian revolution, and we realize that in the face of these sacrifices, we bear great historical responsibilities and we will not back down until the demands and goals of the revolution are achieved, leading to a democratic, pluralistic, decentralized Syria.

The March 12 uprising united the Arab Kurdish position in the face of the tyrannical regime, and forced it to retreat contrary to what it was planning by inciting and attacking the components, especially the Kurdish component, exploiting the national dimension of its issue and its circumstances that coincided with the waves of change in the regional environment at that time.

As we remember this occasion, which constituted the beginning of the popular uprising in Syria against oppression, and tyranny, we express our condolences to all the martyrs who died in March 2004 and all the martyrs of the Syrian revolution that began in March 2011, and the March 12 uprising was its starting point. On this occasion, we affirm that the process of peaceful struggle and popular solidarity dropped the bets of authority on March 12, 2004. We therefore call on all Syrians, individuals, forces and movements, to join hands, reject differences, unify the word, and move towards consolidating the principles of peaceful coexistence, tolerance, peace and humanity, and realizing the aspirations of the Syrian people for a decent life and democratic change. We see in the Syrian-Syrian dialogue the correct approach to achieving the demands for change and facing the upcoming challenges and entitlements in light of a highly polarized regional and international environment in which the Syrian tragedy and the suffering of its people have become outside the list of priorities that are not compatible with the aspirations of the Syrian people.”
