People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey

Municipalities in Jazera Canton in the NE Syria stood in solidarity with the people of Turkey and northern Kurdistan against the policy of the Turkish authorities, which is dominated by the Justice and Development Party, aiming to seize the will of the people after the loss that the party suffered in the municipal elections.

People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
People’s municipalities in Jazera Canton stand in solidarity with people’s will in northern Kurdistan and Turkey
3 April 2024   13:07

In solidarity with the people of Turkey and northern Kurdistan against the efforts of the Justice and Development Party, which dominates the authorities in Turkey, to seize the municipalities that it lost in the municipal elections held on March 31, a joint statement was made today by the people’s municipalities in the city of Hasaka and its districts Tal Tamr, Tal Brak and Al-Darbasiya. 

Since yesterday afternoon, the cities of northern Kurdistan, and others in Turkey, have witnessed massive protests against the Election Commission in the city of Wan in northern Kurdistan granting the mayoral mandate to the Justice and Development Party candidate who failed in the elections, instead of the Equality and Peoples’ Democracy Party candidate who won the elections.

The statement of the 4 municipalities congratulated the Equality and Peoples' Democracy Party for its victory in the municipal elections and its ability to end the Justice and Development Party's control over many municipalities in northern Kurdistan. At the same time, it condemned the Turkish authorities' move to control the municipalities and hand them over to the losing party.

The municipalities confirmed in their statement that the results of the municipal elections witnessed in Northern Kurdistan and Turkey demonstrate the will of the people who want change and reject the policies of the Justice and Development Party, and a clear message to the entire world of the people’s dissatisfaction with Erdogan and his party.

At the end of their statement, the municipalities called on international human rights platforms to stand up to the arbitrary practices of the Turkish authorities and to intervene to limit the return of the Justice and Development Party’s control over the will of the people.
