Panorama of the week: Opposition positions prevent an Iraqi-Turkish security agreement

Iraqi sources revealed that the signing of a draft security agreement between Turkey and Iraq was included in the items on the visit’s agenda, but it was postponed indefinitely and only an understanding was reached to form a security committee to deepen the study of the agreement, after the emergence of opposition positions among the Iraqi forces.

Panorama of the week: Opposition positions prevent an Iraqi-Turkish security agreement
28 April 2024   06:43

Shiite forces block Iraq's involvement in Turkey's war against the Kurdistan Workers' Party PKK

Under this title, the London-based Al-Arab Newspaper reported that the great Turkish ambitions for actual Iraqi participation in its alleged war against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party collide with the presence of political forces and armed groups that strongly object to this participation “for reasons that include internal matters related to the relations of those forces with the party, and what is regional.” “It is connected to Iran and the balances of influence in Iraq, which Tehran does not want to break for the benefit of any party competing with it.”

The sources confirmed that the signing of a draft security agreement between Turkey and Iraq was included in the items on the visit’s agenda, but it was postponed indefinitely and only an understanding was reached to form a security committee to deepen the study of the agreement.

The reason for this was the emergence of positions opposing the agreement from within the Shiite coordination framework, the main party in forming the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani.

T/ Satt.