Painstakingly work to provide treatment for 500 patients

The Turkish occupation's destruction of Mashta Nour Hospital caused great suffering to more than 500 patients who suffer from difficulty receiving treatment, and the medical staff confirms that they are working to secure an alternative place to treat patients.

Painstakingly work to provide treatment for 500 patients
3 January 2024   05:06

Mashta Nour Hospital was built in the city of Kobani in 2015, with support from Doctors Without Borders, and since that time it began providing health and medical services to the people. It was one of the reconstruction projects in Kobani after its liberation from ISIS/ Daesh mercenaries by the People’s Protection Units and the Women’s Protection Units.

Mashta Nour Hospital included departments (children, women, diabetes, neurology, internal medicine and psychological support, in addition to a pharmacy, a department for periodic vaccinations for children, and another for medical tests), and there were 3 ambulances equipped with the equipment at the service of emergency cases.

Mashta Nour Hospital, which used to serve about 500 patients daily, was subjected to direct bombardment by Turkish occupation army aircraft on January 25, 2023, and was completely destroyed. It went out of service and stopped receiving patients.

The specialist doctor in the internal diseases department at Mashta Nour Tawfiq Sheikh Ahmed Hospital confirms that patients today suffer from difficulty in receiving treatment and obtaining their medications, which were provided for free.

He added: "Today, even children's vaccines are no longer available, as the vaccine medicines have been burned, and even the X-ray devices and the drug pharmacy have nothing left but ashes, and we have no medicine to provide to patients, and the health condition of those who were being treated in the hospital is very difficult and they are in urgent need of receiving their treatment."

The losses incurred by the hospital were estimated at 200 thousand euros, according to statistics from the Health Authority in the Euphrates Region.

According to the specialist doctor, they are working to provide an alternative place to treat patients and provide medicines to them. He said: “We will continue our work and provide medicines for our patients. The Turkish occupation state will not intimidate us, as the medical profession is a humanitarian profession, and soon we will provide a place to treat our patients and provide them with medicines.”

It is noteworthy that after the attack, Doctors Without Borders published a message on its account on virtual communication sites (X) in which it stated that they contributed to building the hospital and worked in it, and in 2019 they referred it to the health authorities affiliated with the administration.

T/ Satt.