One year since the Sudanese crisis; no solutions in sight - Hevidar Khaled

One year since the Sudanese crisis; no solutions in sight - Hevidar Khaled
26 April 2024   07:10

The Sudanese war has entered its second year, leaving behind thousands of dead and wounded, and thousands of people stranded as a result of forced displacement and asylum in neighboring countries to escape the deadly war machine and search for a safer life away from the from the Holocaust, especially women and children, who... They were subjected to dozens of violations, human trafficking, and sexual assaults at the hands of both sides of the conflict in the country.

One year after the killing and destruction the country witnessed, the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, turned into a ghost town amid a tragic and catastrophic situation. The scene became more complicated, as no one can predict what the situation will lead to. Millions of displaced Sudanese in Kordofan State, the Darfur region, and Khartoum are hungry and waiting for them the death, without any means that enable them to access aid or deliver it to them on an ongoing basis, so that they can continue their lives despite the war that has destroyed all their capabilities and is still raging in most areas of the country.

The war that broke out due to a dispute between Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, two former allies, over an internationally supported political plan to transition Sudan to civilian rule, caused huge losses in all major sectors of life, and completely destroyed the infrastructure, service centers and institutions of a country that was already suffering from... A major economic crisis, which opened the door wide for interference in its affairs from all sides, starting from the neighboring country Ethiopia, whose intervention made the crisis more complicated, to Iran, America and then Russia, which is searching for a foothold and to achieve its interests at the expense of the Sudanese people and their interests.

The conflict, it seems, will prolong due to the continuation of direct external intervention, amid fears that it will expand to other countries and get out of control, which portends disastrous results and major and dangerous repercussions for the entire region.

One of the reasons that contributed to the prolongation of the crisis in Sudan is the lack of direct dialogue between the two sides of the conflict, represented by the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, since the start of battles between them in mid-April, in addition to the absence of a strong civilian component in the country that can lead to real understandings on the ground between the parties to the Sudanese crisis and opening a real path for serious dialogue leading to an effective solution to the Sudanese dilemma.

One of the reasons that opened the way for the Sudanese war to deepen further was the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, where the attention of all Western countries was directed to the ongoing developments in Ukraine, and their preoccupation with providing the necessary support to it against Russia, in addition to the negligence of international powers and parties in addressing the worsening humanitarian crisis, and the intentionality of the parties to the conflict. Adhering to its positions and not making any significant concessions; because there is no trust between them that would create a suitable basis for understandings, in addition to the weakness of African institutions in proposing serious initiatives or working to implement them.

Despite this, many Arab countries, such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, tried to find a way out of the raging war, and called for holding sessions and consultations several times in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, and in the Saudi city of Jeddah, in addition to international and external mediations, but all of them failed to find a solution to the difficult crisis on all solutions.

Without the concerned parties concerned with the issue of the Sudanese people meeting at an internal dialogue table that establishes a stage of real and serious discussions, it is impossible for us to witness any tangible developments in this regard. Rather, the number of dead and wounded, the number of displaced people and refugees in neighboring countries will increase, and the conditions of women who are exposed to various violations and crimes will worsen. Systematic war and crimes against humanity. In addition to the outbreak of many infectious and chronic diseases as a result of the heavy use of weapons for a long period of time, especially among children.

Sudanese in general, and women in particular, have experienced homelessness, displacement, and assault, amid a catastrophic situation that is considered the worst in the world. Women there are now alone, fighting death in battles fought by men at the expense of their lives, stability, and hope, which have vanished as the country is plunged into the whirlpool of an unknown tomorrow.

Thousands of children were deprived of education, thousands lost their parents, siblings, and relatives, millions were displaced, and the fate of many of them became unknown after the country’s geography turned into a burning mass of fire that burned green and dry land. Therefore, the Sudanese must find a way out of this war through peaceful, not military, solutions. Because violence only generates more destruction, plunder, plunder, killing and death.

According to initial estimates, the war left thousands dead, including about 15,000 in one city in the Darfur region, west of the country, but the real number may be much higher, in addition to the displacement of six and a half million Sudanese, while more than two and a half million took refuge in other countries. Neighborhood: Nearly 18 million Sudanese, out of a total population of 48 million, remain suffering in a country witnessing the scourge of an internecine war that has been unable to be resolved despite intense regional and international mediation.

T/ Satt.