MMC thwarts Turkish mercenaries attempt to infiltrate Manbij countryside

 Fighters of the Manbij Military Council confronted an infiltration operation by the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state into the villages of the countryside of Manbij canton, in the NE Syria.

MMC thwarts Turkish mercenaries attempt to infiltrate Manbij countryside
28 May 2024   11:24

The Media Center of the Manbij Military Council published information about the forces’ response to an infiltration attempt by the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation state, and reported that a group of Turkish occupation mercenaries attempted, at exactly 02:00 this morning, to infiltrate the villages of Al-Dandaniya and Al-Sayadah in the northwestern countryside of the city of Manbij.

The center confirmed that the fighters of the Manbij Military Council repelled the infiltration attempt and thwarted it, forcing the attackers to withdraw.
