MIT, Military Police kidnap citizen in occupied Afrin

The Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries kidnapped a citizen from Rajo district in occupied Afrin.

 MIT, Military Police kidnap citizen in occupied Afrin
25 February 2024   11:45

According to eyewitnesses, theTurkish intelligence (MIT) and "Military Police" mercenaries kidnapped the citizen "Hamid Abdul Rahman, 25 years old" from the village of Belilka in the Rajo district of Afrin, and took him to an unknown destination.

The Human Rights Organization Afrin - Syria published information confirming that the kidnapping occurred with the motive of obtaining a financial ransom.

The organization said, citing its sources, “The citizen Hamid, the son of the citizen Ilham Abdel Rahman Suleiman, a resident of the village of Khalta in the Jindires district, was arrested by the Military Police on 3/20/2022, on charges of working in the institutions of the previous Administration in Afrin, and she remained detained for about a month until she was released, on 5/15/2022, in exchange for a ransom of $400.

Since occupation of Afrin, killings, kidnappings, looting, theft and assassinations have continued against the remaining Afrin residents.

Worth to note that since the beginning of this year, Turkey and its mercenaries have killed 4 citizens and kidnapped 94 others, including children and women in occupied Afrin.
