Manbij components celebrate Newroz

Hundreds of people from Manbij canton from all backgrounds celebrated Nowruz.

Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
Manbij components celebrate Newroz
19 March 2024   18:28

On Tuesday, hundreds of people of Manbij canton, members and members of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Manbij canton and its affiliated committees and institutions, the Martyrs’ Families Council, the Zenobia Women’s Assembly Council, the Manbij and Military Women’s Councils, civil lines and councils, and democratic society organizations participated in the Newroz celebration organized by the Democratic Civil Administration of Manbij canton under the slogan ( In the spirit of Newroz, we liberate the leader and achieve victory.

The celebration began with a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs, and then the mothers of the martyrs lit the Nowruz flame, with the audience chanting slogans that salute the resistance of leader Abdullah Ocalan and emphasize the escalation of the struggle to achieve his physical freedom.

Then, the co-chair of the Executive Council of Manbij canton, Azab Al-Aboud, delivered a speech in which she said: “On behalf of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Manbij canton, we extend to you our warmest congratulations on the occasion of Newroz, which we celebrate today to emphasize the importance of the revolution in the face of injustice, as Newroz carries with it hope for a bright future.”

Azab noted, "Our celebration under this slogan, in the spirit of Newroz, We Free the Leader, indicates our steadfastness in the face of the new Ottomanism led by the Turkish occupation state in targeting the Autonomous Administration formulated by the leader Abdullah Ocalan and protected by the people of North and East Syria with all their components."

In his turn, the co-chair of the Martyrs’ Families Council, Rabie Al-Hamada, pointed out, “We, the people of North and East Syria, renew our resistance to Newroz by walking on the path of freedom and democracy, the path of physical freedom for Leader  APO, and this light emanating from the flame of Kawa al-Hadad, and our comrades, oppressed Dogan and Laojin Arabs, walked on it, and today we are following in their footsteps in this road".

Al-Hamada stated, "Our AA project is to preserve the rights and privacy of the components, and it is the seed of solidarity among them. We meet today to say that Kawa al Hadad lives in our conscience, and if the Turkish occupation destroyed the statue of Kawa in Afrin, then we are all like Kawa and we will continue to walk on this path, the path of the martyrs."

For her part, the spokeswoman for the Council of Zenobia Women’s Association in Manbij canton, Ruwaida Hanizal, said, “Newroz is considered a culture and heritage in the Middle East, a symbol of resistance, and a torch of freedom. We will gather every year to ignite the flame of freedom that the Turkish occupation is trying to extinguish, but it will not be able to do so with our resistance, our sacrifices, and the sacrifices of women in particular, which she leads the women’s revolution in the face of occupation and all forms of injustice.”

T/ Satt.