local administration-municipalities in Shahba condemn UNICEF's decision to cut off water

The Local Administration and Municipalities Authority in al-Shahba issued a statement in which it denounced UNICEF’s decision to cut off water to the Al-Shahba camps and called on: “The concerned authorities to put pressure on UNICEF to fulfill its moral and legal obligations towards the people.”

local administration-municipalities in Shahba condemn UNICEF's decision to cut off water
24 February 2024   18:42

The Local Administration and Municipalities Authority in al-Shahba issued a statement against UNICEF’s decision to cut off water to the al-Shahba camps.

The statement, which was read in Kurdish, Arabic and English, said: “After six years of forced displacement of the people of Afrin from their areas to the al-Shahba region, the people are still paying a heavy price, materially and morally, in the face of the brutal enemy. This loyal people have steadfasted and struggled despite all the pain and disasters. We were shocked by UNICEF's decision to cut off water to our people in the camps. On behalf of the local administration and municipalities and on behalf of our people in the camps, we denounce this decision. This decision reminds us of what the fascist Turkish state did by cutting off water to our people in Hasakah, and UNICEF's decision also supports these policies.

Therefore, we call on the concerned parties to reconsider such decisions and put pressure on UNICEF to fulfill its moral and legal obligations towards this people.”
