KCK: Global campaign for leader freedom will enter its second phase

The General Presidency Council of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) announced that the global campaign for the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan will enter its second phase, on February 15.

 KCK: Global campaign for leader freedom will enter its second phase
12 February 2024   12:41

The General Presidency Council of KCK issued a statement marking the 25th year of the international February 15 conspiracy.

 The statement  said: “In the 26th year of the February 15 international conspiracy, we condemn and curse the forces that participated in this conspiratorial attack, and we salute Leader Ocalan and his great resistance, who remained captive under bad conditions in Imrali for 25 years.

” They will not be able to block our sun. We remember with all respect and appreciation the male and female comrades Khaled Oral, Selamat Mentesh, and Aynur Ertan, and we bow in reverence to their memory.”

To be continued
