DAA: Turkish attack supports ISIS, other terrorist groups

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of NE Syria confirmed that the Turkish escalation is a clear message of support for ISIS and other terrorist groups, and called international coalition to act against the Turkish attacks.

DAA: Turkish attack supports ISIS, other terrorist groups
12 February 2024   11:31

Today, the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria issued a statement to public opinion regarding the Turkish attacks against the North and East Syria region, where the occupying state launched an attack against wounded building in the city of Qamishlo, and these wounded sacrificed against ISIS mercenaries.

The statement stated: “ in the series of continuing terrorist aggression against our people and our regions, yesterday’s drone targeted a home for the wounded in the city of Qamishlo, those wounded who fought gainst ISIS and extremist ideology. They and their fellow martyrs played a historic role in ending the presence of the terrorist ISIS organization.

While we strongly condemn this immoral targeting of Qamishlo, which is a proof that Turkey is counting on the return of ISIS and supports its cells. Therefore  it is time for the countries struggling against ISIS and its extremist ideology, especially the international coalition to classify Turkey as  a supporter of ISIS, not to mention the Turkish escalation every time as our security forces begin to tighten the noose on ISIS during the “Security and Humanity in Al-Hol Camp” campaign."

We stress the need for regional and international public opinion to act, as well as the international coalition, and we rely on the awareness of our people, their democratic struggle, and their steadfastness based on the brotherhood and solidarity of peoples.

Our deepest condolences to the martyrs, and recovery to the wounded, shame on Turkey and its terrorists groups."
