KCDK-E calls for participating in protest of Strasbourg tomorrow

KCDK-E called on everyone to participate in the protest to be held in Starbourg, on 15 April with the slogan "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan."

KCDK-E calls for participating in protest of Strasbourg tomorrow
14 April 2024   15:32

According to ANF Agency, The Congress of Democratic Societies of European Kurdistan (KCDK-E) called on everyone to attend the protest to be held tomorrow in Strasbourg within the scope of the campaign "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, solution to the Kurdish question".

The statement said: "The colonialist fascist Turkish state and the international conspiracy forces that support it with their silence have been carrying out a genocidal attack against Leader Ocalan, the Kurdish people and the struggle for freedom for 25 years.

A massive march will be held in the city of Starbourg on April 15, with the aim of defeating the Turkish occupation state and the conspiring international powers, so let us rally for this march. Our people and all our friends should participate in this march.

We at KCDK-E appeal to everyone to participate in the march that will be organized under the slogan “Physical freedom for leader Ocalan, the solution to the Kurdish issue,” which is considered one of the basic symbols of humanity’s survival, in the city of Starbourg.
