Journalist Suleiman Ahmed’s mother: Release my son, for he has not committed a sin

The mother of journalist Suleiman Ahmed called for his release, and to continue pressure on the Kurdistan Democratic Party authorities until his release. Because he is innocent. She expressed her gratitude to everyone who contributed to pressuring the government of Southern Kurdistan to allow his lawyer to meet with him.

Journalist Suleiman Ahmed’s mother: Release my son, for he has not committed a sin
23 May 2024   16:16

211 days after the kidnapping of journalist Suleiman Ahmed, editor of the Arabic section at Roj news agency, without any legal basis, at the hands of the Kurdistan Democratic Party authorities, he was able yesterday, Wednesday, for the first time, to meet with his lawyer, and to speak with his brother Khaled Ahmed, who resides in Germany, for only two minutes. .

The mother of journalist Suleiman Ahmed, Sultana Ahmed, said: “He made a call to his brother last night, during which he stated that he was in good health.”

Sultana expressed her gratitude to everyone who contributed to pressuring the government of South Kurdistan to allow Suleiman’s lawyer to meet with him, and said: “All the accusations were fabricated by the Kurdistan Democratic Party without legal basis. My son is innocent.”

Sultana called on organizations, journalists, and workers to continue their work and put pressure on the government of Southern Kurdistan until Suleiman’s release. She said: “Because there is no truth to the PDK’s allegations, and his stay in detention so far is illegal and unjustified, and he must be released soon.”

Sultana said: “For nearly eight months, he was kidnapped by the Southern Kurdistan government, without any justification, and all this time I have been saying, ‘Release my son. He has not committed a sin. My heart is broken for him. All this long time I have not heard his voice, and I cannot bear to continue to part with him."

T/ Satt.