Lawyers for Imrali detainees submit a new request to meet with them

Lawyers for Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the other Imrali detainees submitted a new request to the Turkish authorities to meet with them.

Lawyers for Imrali detainees submit a new request to meet with them
23 May 2024   16:05

On Thursday, the lawyers of the Al-Asr Law Office presented: Razia Ozturk, Ibrahim Bilmez, Imran Emekji, and Cengiz Yurkli submitted a new request to the Republican Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Turkish city of Bursa and the Imrali Prison Directorate to meet with their clients; Leader Abdullah Ocalan, Omar Hayri Konar, Hamili Yildirim, and Weysi Aktaş, who have been subjected to strict isolation by Turkey for more than 3 years.

In order to meet with them, Al-Asr Law Office’s lawyers submit two requests every week to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Turkish city of Bursa and the Imrali Prison Directorate. Their families also submit two requests every week, for a total of 16 requests every month, without receiving any response, indicating its refusal to meet him.

Lawyers from the Al-Asr Human Rights Office submitted a request to the Committee Against Torture (CPT) on February 25 to meet with their clients. Leader Abdullah Ocalan, Omar Hayri Konar, Hamili Yildirim, and Weysi Aktaş.

T/ Satt.