Jawad al-Baydani reveals Turkey's efforts in Iraq

The Iraqi researcher Dr. Jawad Al-Baydani confirmed that the ideas of PKK are in harmony with demands of the residents of the region, indicating it does not pose a threat to Iraq and its institutions, he believed that Turkey wants to annex Iraqi regions, that is why it hostiles PKK.

Jawad al-Baydani reveals Turkey's efforts in Iraq
13 April 2024   08:01

During the recent period, the Turkish occupation state intensified its movements in Iraq and southern Kurdistan, as its defense, foreign, and intelligence officials visited Baghdad and Hewler several times.

Turksh state sought to push the Iraqi parties to participate in the fight against the Kurdistan Workers' Party through blackmailing the Iraqi government with several issues including water issue.

Al-Baydani, explained to ANHA agency that: “The Workers’ Party is one of the parties whose influence extended not over the Iraqi Kurdistan region, but rather throughout all parts of Kurdistan, and it is one of the ideological parties whose opinions and ideas are in harmony with the structure of society in these regions. Furthermore, the region depends on an ideology developed by the theoretician and founder of this party, Abdullah Ocalan, who believes that this region cannot be governed according to religious or national doctrines, due to the diverse ethnic, doctrinal, and national structure, so you see the Yazidis, Shin Turkmen, Kurds, and Arabs in one region."

Al-Baydani added: “PKK spread in these regions on the basis of the ideology. Therefore it established an ideological base and pillars that cannot be removed on the basis of military action, because the ideology is in the mind and it is an evaluative structure that takes root for generations and generations, I do not think that this party poses a danger. When does a party pose a danger? When it dominates the rest of the ethnicities, nationalities and peoples by force.”

PKK does not pose threat to Iraq and its institutions

Al-Baydani pointed out that: “ PKK is now in a stage of struggle, and it has experience in Syria despite the harsh circumstances it is going through.”

In response to the allegations made by Turkey and some of the forces in harmony with it, al-Baydani asked: Does this party pose a threat to Iraq?

" I say that it does not pose any danger, and as you know, the area where the PKK is located is not under the control of the Iraqi state, Therefore PKK is not in contact with the institutions of the Iraqi state.”

He added: “The second point is that the Iraqi state institutions previously sought help from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in liberating Sinjar (Shingal). I heard statements by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis saying that when Shingal was attacked, it was difficult to reach it due to the Iraqi army’s preoccupation with military operations and the withdrawal of the Peshmerga from it."

Regarding the Turkish strategy, Al-Baydani saw said “ Turkish plans based on seizing and occupying the land it is planning to reach Shingal and PKK- controlled areas."

He added, "The successive visits made by Turkey to Iraq, as well as training operations for some Iraqi units, and this generous hand in providing military aid is to implicate the Iraqi army in entering into a clash with the Workers' Party, as it had previously announced that the Peshmerga have no objection to entering into a conflict with the Workers' Party." Likewise, the Iraqi army has no permission to enter the clash, as it is waging a war against ISIS.
