In commemoration of Armenian Genocide… Kurdistanis face the same fate

The beginning of the twentieth century was tragic for the Armenian people, as the Ottomans killed hundreds of thousands of them without any deterrence, while the beginning of the twenty-first century constitutes a similar genocide that has been going on for decades, facing Kurdistanis wherever they are and facilitated by the Turkish state built on the basis of genocide against other peoples.

In commemoration of Armenian Genocide… Kurdistanis face the same fate
24 April 2024   05:31

The twentieth century witnessed the first genocide of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in the Kurdish territories and Anatolia at the hands of the Ottomans, who doubted that Armenians had sided with Russia during World War I 1914-1918.

The process of exterminating the Armenians was considered one of the most heinous crimes in history, as the Ottomans deported, through arduous marches starting in 1914, nearly two million Armenians to the Syrian desert, where the Armenians witnessed atrocities represented by systematic killings and the majority of them were subjected to physical torture, while the majority of women were not spared from Sexual violence and other violations that took as a reference the fatwas issued by the sheikhs who urged the killing of Armenians wherever they were found because they were “infidels.” This was part of the Ottoman plan to completely eliminate the Armenian presence in the country, preceded by the execution of the intellectual and political elites and merchants in Istanbul.

The Ottomans did not find any deterrent after the killing of nearly a million Armenians in the genocide, who were the indigenous inhabitants of the region located in the northeast of the country for centuries, as the Armenians did not see anything to console them or anyone to stand by their side at that time.

The massacre followed years later; the establishment and declaration of the Turkish state amidst a torrent of blood and on the skulls of part of society in the Anatolia region and Turkey, where the Kurds were not spared either, along with the Armenians, especially those who refused to limit the social fabric to a state called Turkey.

The culture of the Turkish state, which is essentially built on denying and eradicating the cultures of other peoples, is a culture inherited from the history of the Ottoman Sultanate, and was imposed on the Kurdistan peoples who rejected persecution and injustice during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

The campaign to exterminate the Kurds in Northern Kurdistan

Zilan massacre

On July 13, 1930, 44 villages were burned in the Zilan Valley in the Erdish district of Van, and more than 50,000 people were martyred. Among the villages that were burned were Hasan Abdal, Doluja, Shah Bazaar, Doganji, Tandoork, Cakirbey, Vilanlik, Harhos, and Babaznik. , Komor, Shur, Shurk, Moresht, Mesjetla, Caracalles, Konduk, Zorava, Ariutin, Halakoy, Koshkobro, Kurujem, Molek, Yekmal, Kelsa, Kosk, Ashagi Partash, Yukari Partash, Benisi, Bonezhi, Balakhlu, Karkh, Sogutlu, and Megar. People who survived the genocide were also exiled, and their property and homes were seized.

Dersim massacre

In the years 1937-1938, a massacre was committed against the Kurds in Dersim in Northern Kurdistan, which was unprecedented. According to official state data at the time, 13,160 people were martyred in the Dersim massacre, and 11,818 people were deported to Turkish cities, but according to local sources, he was martyred in this massacre. 70 thousand people, including women and children.

During the massacre, tens of thousands of Dersim residents were exiled and their children were kidnapped. In fact, residents were unable to know the fate of their fleeing and kidnapped children. No information was received at all from the missing girls.

Zein Kadiki massacre

On August 6, 1938, in the mountain village of Imam Munzer in Erzinjan, 95 villagers from Surbahan and the surrounding villages were gathered and shot to death in Zein Kadiki, and their bodies were left unburied to decompose in the mountains. It is prohibited to go to the Zein Kadiki area for a long period. The rest of the families were also forced to evacuate their villages, and the villagers were deported to Balıksir, Edirne and many other Turkish cities.

33 shots incident

In 1943, 33 people were martyred in the Qalqli district of the Van region by order of the Commander of the Third Turkish Army, Major General Mustafa Mughlali. This incident was one of the largest cases of extrajudicial killing in the history of the Republic.

Marash massacre

In the Marash attacks in 1976, according to official data, 111 people were martyred, and according to unofficial data, more than 500 people were martyred, hundreds of people were injured, and 210 homes and 70 factories were destroyed.

Laji massacre

On October 22, 1993, 16 people were martyred in the district of Laji in Amed, hundreds of people were forced to emigrate, and about 800 homes and factories were burned.

Kafr massacre

In 1994, the villages of Kafr and Besuk were bombed by Turkish occupation aircraft in the Qalaban district of the city of Şernakh, and the bombing led to the death of 38 people and the injury of 41 others.

Basa massacre

On January 15, 1996, occupation soldiers opened fire on a minibus in the Bassa district of the city of Şernakh, killing 11 villagers, then burning it.

Robowski massacre

In the village of Roboski, in the Qalaban district of Şernakh, 34 people were martyred as a result of the bombing by fascist Turkish warplanes, and among the martyrs were 17 children.

The massacre of Jazir, Sur, Nusaybin and Kafr

July 24, 2015, the Turkish state began an attack; It targeted more than 15 cities in Bakur (Northern Kurdistan). These cities had the greatest credit for defeating ISIS in the historic battle in Kobani. These cities in Northern Kurdistan rose up and their young men even fought in Kobani against ISIS, which sparked the anger of the Turkish occupation state. As a result of the failure of its plan in Syria under the mantle of ISIS, the occupying state largely destroyed those cities in the second most violent battle against Kurdish civilians, after the burning of 4,000 villages in the 1990s, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Kurdish residents from their homes.

Perseus massacre

On July 20, 2015, 300 members of the Union of Socialist Youth Associations organized an event entitled “Together we defended Kobani, together we will rebuild it,” in the center of the town of Perseus in the Kurdish state of Raha (Urfa), where they collected toys for the children of the city of Kobani who were displaced from their homes with... Their families resided in Persus, following the Battle of Kobani, in which ISIS was defeated.

At the time when the participants made a statement to public opinion; An ISIS suicide bomber carrying an explosive belt attacked the gathering and blew himself up before the park was filled with bodies scattered here and there. The victim of the attack killed 33 male and female activists and wounded 104 others from both the Turkish and Kurdish communities.

The massacre came weeks after the Kobani massacre, which was committed by ISIS with direct Turkish support, and 6 months after the liberation of the city of Kobani, where Turkish hopes collapsed with the defeat of ISIS.

The Turkish genocide against the community of North and East Syria

At a time when European countries, including France and most recently the United States, recognized the Armenian massacre committed by the Ottomans against the Armenians, Syriacs and Assyrians, the Turkish occupation state continues to attack North and East Syria.

The city of Afrin was subjected to a comprehensive attack by the Turkish occupation state in 2018, and the attack caused the forced displacement of civilians who were exposed to violence and massacres. According to a report by the Rojava Organization on the conditions in Afrin during the Turkish occupation, 350,000 civilians were displaced from Afrin and its countryside, with their fate being distributed among camps. It was established with their arrival in the areas of Afrin, al-Shahba, and Tal Rifaat canton, which led to the departure of about 80% of its people and the remaining 20% of them in a condition exceeding that of solitary confinement.

In 2019, the Turkish occupation army and mercenary groups launched a new attack against the regions of Serêkaniyê and Girê Spi. During this attack, the occupation adopted a method of intimidation and abuse against the residents of these two regions, striking the city and neighboring densely populated villages with warplanes and using all types of heavy weapons on the one hand, and on the other hand. the mercenaries participating in the attack intended to film scenes of killing and torture, and publish them on virtual social networks to intimidate the people and displace them.

The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries destroyed places of worship for Muslims and Christians in the cities of Girê Spi/Tel Abyad and Serêkaniyê, including the Church of the Virgin Mary in Serêkaniyê and the Armenian Church in Girê Spi/Tel Abyad during the occupation of the two areas in 2019.

The occupation continues through drones and daily attacks by targeting infrastructure, cities and towns in the northern and eastern region of Syria, displacing the population and targeting the will of the region’s society, until the present day.

Turkish extermination campaign against the Guerrilla in the mountains of Kurdistan

The Turkish occupation state is launching an unprecedented attack against the Guerrilla in the mountains of Kurdistan. The numbers may seem shocking, but they indicate the scale of the attack it is carrying out against the Guerrilla. According to the numbers, it has carried out more than 6,000 chemical attacks against Guerrilla fighters in the mountains of Kurdistan since February 2021.

It has been proven that the Turkish army also uses many banned bombs. In addition to chemical gases; A type of tactical nuclear bomb is used that destroys the tunnel system and creates a toxic effect in a very narrow geographical area.

Massacres outside Kurdistan

In Europe, the Turkish State Intelligence assassinated the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, Sakîne Cansiz, the representative of the Kurdistan National Congress in Paris, Fîdan Dogan, and a member of the Youth Movement, Leyla Şaylemez, by shooting them in the head in January 2013.

Ten years after the first Paris massacre, the Turkish occupation state concluded the year 2022 with another massacre, targeting the free will of women by assassinating Amina Kara, a leader in the women’s movement, the Kurdish refugee artist, Mir Bror, and the patriot Abdul Rahman Kazal, and wounding others.

Scenes of attacks on Kurdish families in Europe and even in Turkish cities have become a recurring occurrence. Hate speech and the spreading of poison in the statements of the authorities in Turkey, the government, and the glorification of the Turkish element; It led to the agitation and incitement of Turkish public opinion against the Kurds wherever they reside, in addition to the ruling authority’s non-firm dealings with the actors, which some human rights observers appreciate. It's the closest thing to a "reward."

Even years ago, the fascist Turkish state denied the existence of any societies and cultures, and considered all societies to be Turks within the framework of the Turkish state.

T/ Satt.