Hawar news agency plan ANHA 5/20/2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 5/20/2024
20 May 2024   02:00

The citizens of North and East of Syria aspire that the municipal elections in June should be an opportunity to develop administrative, organizational and service work in the region and to express the main building block on which DDA has been formed in "the management of society for itself.(Video and photo).

The formation of the Kurdistan Environment Platform has entered the stage of communicating and studying its objectives with environmental specialists in Kurdistan and around the world, with a view to producing an integrated mechanism that will rise to the required level before it is announced. (video and photographs).

A dissident leader of the so-called Peshmerga Roj confirmed that the Turkish occupying Power was seeking to involve them in attacks against the defense zones on a long-term basis, and he called them not to engage in such games and said, "The Kurdish people will not be forgiven and will not be tolerated with those who stand up to their enemy and will be held accountable." (Video and photos attached)

Over the course of a year, Women’s Horizons was able to unite the pens of women activists, intellectuals, writers, and politicians, and transform their ideas into a federal oasis and a universal energy that directs society toward freedom and awareness, and spreads the philosophy of “Women, Life, Freedom” to the horizons of the entire world. (Video and photos attached).

Military sources revealed that security services linked to the Damascus government and other regionally supported parties are working to create armed groups from the remnants of ISIS cells and other mercenaries, through the lure of money to target the region, under names that suggest a connection to Arab tribes.

The political parties in Manbij make a statement about the judicial rulings issued against Kurdish politicians in Bakur Kurdistan, at the municipal stadium in the city of Manbij at 10:00 (attached with video and photos)

The Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan conducts visits to political parties, in the city of Qamishlo, at 10:00 (video and photos attached)

The sit-in tent event organized by Kongra Star continues for the third and final day in April 4 Park in Al-Ahdath Town in Al-Shahba, at 10:00 (video and photos attached).

The film “Berfîn” is being shown at the Muhammad Sheikho Center for Culture and Art in the city of Qamishlo at 19:00 (video and photos attached).