Hawar news agency plan ANHA 3/14/2024

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 3/14/2024
14 March 2024   02:00

The co-chair of the Foreign Relations Department of the Democratic Self-Administration saw that the United Nations report on Syria, which he described as “positive,” lacks recommendations to hold perpetrators of war crimes against Syrians accountable, especially those committed by the Turkish occupation state. (Video and photos attached).

The Syrian crisis, which began on March 15, 2011 with a popular movement before deviating from its course, is still without any solution on the horizon, and as a result, the humanitarian, economic, and living suffering of Syrians is increasing.

As the Syrian crisis enters its fourteenth year, the suffering of the people across the entire Syrian geography continues as a result of the policies of the parties and regional and international powers involved in this file, which increases the complexity of the crisis even more, instead of finding radical solutions to it. Therefore, there are stories of endless pain and suffering in every part of this ancient geography. Every house has a story, every tent pitched in the prairies has a story, and every city with this crisis has countless stories.

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria project to rehabilitate the new Raqqa Bridge has entered its final stage, and its rehabilitation is scheduled to be completed within a maximum period of 50 days. (Video and photos attached).

The Martyrs' Families Council in the Amuda district is organizing a condolence ceremony for the families of Syrian Democratic Forces fighter Suleiman Khalaf (Rohat Hasakah) in the village of Al-Rihaniyah in the district, at 09:30 (attached to the video and photos).

The Yazidi Union in Afrin and Al-Shahba canton makes a statement regarding the anniversary of the occupation of Afrin, in front of its center in Al-Ahdath district in Al-Shahba, at 10:00 (video and photos attached).

Organized by Kongra Star, the Young Women’s Union, and the Sarah Organization, a joint dialogue symposium on underage marriage and the killing of women will be held in the council of Al-Tala’i camp at 10:00 (photos and video attached).

The people of the Euphrates District will spread the body of the martyr Shiro Kobani, a fighter in the Syrian Democratic Forces, to the shrine of the martyr Dijla in the city of Kobani, at 11:00. (Video and photos attached).

The People's Democratic Council in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria holds a session, to relieve the co-chair of the Executive Council in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Berivan Khaled, from her duties, and to vote on the new co-chair of the Executive Council, in addition to voting on 4 members of the High Elections Commission. (Video and photos attached).

The Syrian Homeland Party makes a statement on the 13th anniversary of the start of the Syrian popular movement, in front of its headquarters located in the Al-Kalasseh neighborhood in the city of Al-Hasakah, at 11:30 (photos and video attached).

The Tal Tamr District Council in Al-Jazira canton will hold a reconciliation session between two families following a dispute resulting from a traffic accident, at 14:00 (photos and video attached).