Hawar News Agency plan 5-3-2024

Hawar News Agency plan 5-3-2024
3 May 2024   02:00

Families of the HPG in Jazera Canton in the NE Syria affirmed their support for the resistance of their children against the policies of the Turkish occupation and treason, and stressed, “We believe in the resistance of our children against the occupation and its aides, and victory will be our ally” (attached with photos and video).

The Syrian arena is witnessing rapid developments at all political, field and social levels, at a high pace that imposes great challenges on the general scene in the country, and creates many obstacles and difficulties for the people throughout the entire Syrian geography (attached with pictures).

Literary criticism took a wide space within Literature Week, because of its importance in developing, enriching and strengthening literature (attached with photos and video).

Sixty-year-old Fatima Muhammad Elias has been going to the city of Qamishlo every morning, for thirty years, to sell milk (photos and video attached).

The Union of Intellectuals of Rojava Kurdistan (HRRK) distributes the prizes of the Kurdish Youth Poetry Competition for the year 2024, during a ceremony held at the Union Center in the city of Qamishlo, at 19.00 (photos and video attached).