Guerrilla forces target Turkish occupation army in Zap, Matina

The People's Defense Forces targeted the Turkish occupation army in the Zab and Matina region of the Mediya defense areas in Southern Kurdistan, while the Turkish occupation army committed war crimes through its use of chemical weapons.

Guerrilla forces target Turkish occupation army in Zap, Matina
23 May 2024   16:00

On Thursday, HPG's Media Center issued a statement regarding the operations carried out by the Guerrilla and the attacks by the Turkish occupation army, which stated:

Turkish occupation army attacks with banned explosives;

On May 22, the Turkish occupation army bombed the war tunnels in the Resistance Square in the FM Hill area in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, twice with toxic chemical gases and once with banned explosives. It turned out that part of the chemical gases used in the bombing, in addition to pepper gas, was orange in color.

On May 22, the Turkish occupation army once bombed the war tunnels in the Resistance Square in Amadiya Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap, with prohibited explosives.

On May 22, explosive helicopters twice bombed the war tunnels in the Resistance Square in Judi Hill in the Martyr Dalil area, west of Zap.

Turkish occupation army attacks;

On May 22, Turkish warplanes bombed 4 times the squares of Senin, Loulan, and Nillat al-Shahid Sharif in the Khakurk region, once the resistance square in Darkal in the Metina region and twice the resistance square in Amadiya Hill in the Martyr Dalil region west of Zap, that is, a total of 7 times.

T/ Satt.