Gerîla TV releases footage of drones shot down

Gerîla TV published video scenes of the shooting down 4 of the 15 drones by Guerrilla, as the statement of the People's Defense Central Command said.

Gerîla TV releases footage of drones shot down
20 March 2024   14:06

Gerîla TV published scenes of the targeting and shooting down of 4 armed drones of the Turkish occupation state (SÎHA), as the Central Command of the People’s Defense Center had revealed, earlier today, the shooting down of 15 drones.

The footage refers to the following shot down drones:

- BAYRAKTAR TB2 over Garê on February 13, 2023 .

- AKSUNGUR over Qandil on June 22, 2023.

- ANKA over Şehîd Delîl Batı, Western Zap, on August 15, 2023.

- BAYRAKTAR TB2 over Zap / Shikefta Birîndara on November 5, 2023.

While HPG fighters shot down one of the Turkish drones, they said: “Here is Kurdistan. You can enter it, but you will not be able to leave it, neither you nor your drones.”
